Playing in the Park

6 regular hard cores and 1 visitor from Charlotte, Welcome back Mad Dog!!!

The Mosey to the downtown park

Circled up for some 30 -60- 90s

10 Merkins

20 LBCs

20 SSHs

Triple check

1 man does 15 merkins run to the second man the second man does 15 decline merkins run to the third man is doing dips

We ran 3 rounds

The beast with Flutter kicks

bear crawled to each tree and started with 15 and increased by 5

Team work for the dream work

one man does pull ups the other runs the loop we did 3 rounds

WE ran out of time at 6am

Time for coffee which was across the street.


commit to inviting other men to F3

Gator Run

Thanks again men!! I really enjoyed the F2 time at starbucks.

Over and out



4 thoughts on “Playing in the Park”

  1. Thanks for the hospitality this week gents. Being able to join the local brotherhood for workouts always makes time away feel more like home!

  2. Glad you joined us Mad Dog. Was doing backblast today for downtown Sarasota. Look forward to having you back on the next training week.

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