Feel The Burn.

Brothers.  Thanks to technology we will attempt to bridge the space between us and come together in a Virtual AO.  Requirements.  Energy and some craziness.  Also measure out approx. 25 yards (happens to be the length of my drive way).   Rucks are optional.

7am launch! Here is the link to the Zoom meeting.  Once you join mute your mic unless you need to speak.  That will help with background noise.


5 Core Principles

  • Free
  • Open to all Men
  • Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Peer led
  • End with Circle of Trust

Heat Things Up…

  • 28 SSH
  • 28 Air Squats
  • 28 Forward Arm Cycles, start Small to Big
  • 28 Reverse Arm Cycles, start Big to Small
  • 28 Monkey Humpers
  • 28 Pickle Pointer

Round I Bruce Lee – 5 sets of the subscribed exercises, Rest 30 sec between sets.

  • 20x American Hammers
  • 20x Leg raises
  • 20x LBC’s
  • 20x Heel Touches
  • 20x Crunchy Frog (v position, hug your knees.  Bent knee or extended if you are badass)
  • 100’s. (LBS side bends)

Round II.  Tabata!  Plank on the 6.   Timer will be displayed on screen..

  • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Star Jacks (SSH with more air on the jump).
  • Inch Worm  Merkin 25 ft. there n Back
  • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Knuckle Draggers (deep squats)
  • Bear Craw 25 ft. there n Back
  • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Shoulder Taps
  • Crawl Bear 25 ft. there n Back

Round III.  It’s not a Chilipepper beat down without burpees.

  • Thunderstruck SSH + burpees



  • Reach out to your fellow pax, phone call, FaceTime, bad joke, whatever. It’ll make an impact.

Prayers and Praises

  • Praises for Hudson’s recovery .
  • Snapshot’s Moher in Law
  • Isidro’s M.
  • QuickDraw’s health
  • Jake and his mother – Bings Friend
  • Gridlock back/Hip Injury
  • I Spy’s Job and Son in NICU
  • Courtney “Drakes Daighter”and @Billy Defib LoPresti
  • Sarah and Lori
  • Any injured pax.
  • Doctors, First responders and all those people that keep our community and country running.