Evening beatdown Experiment

F3 Suncoast’s first expedition into having an evening beatdown.

Shamrock and YHC met up at Unconditional Surrender expecting this to be a evening of running and scouting out the area in the evening but we were pleasantly surprised to be met by Punch List and an FNG.

After the disclaimer and quick F3 explanation we headed off for a mosy towards the Ringling Bridge.  We stopped at the base of the bridge and circled up for some SSH’s, Windmills and Imp Walkers.

We continued on under the bridge toward the fishing pier … we ran to the far end of the pier and half way back down the pier we stopped for 20 decline merkins. We went back under the bridge and stopped on the grass. We then did a round of 7’s … merkins on the bottom of the slope … nur up the slope to the bridge … squats on the bridge path and run down the slope….

Now time to run up and over the bridge….. up to the top of the bridge where we did 20 dips…. down the other side…. more dips…. cross over the street… back up the bridge to the top… more dips… to the bottom…. NO DIPS this time… decline merkins instead…

Time running out we headed back to the starting spot… when we get back to the start we are about 1/4 mile away from doing a 5k so we continue in the parking lot till we get to the 5k… 🙂


We (Shamrock really) name the FNG Lurch…

Announcements about the upcoming races… Gator Wilderness and Sup and Run…