Escalating Board of Pain and a few laps….

The weather was upper 50’s’s with a nearly full moon providing plenty of light over the echo chamber.

At 5:15 YHC reviewed the 5 core principles to the other 5 PAX in attendance and started a 2 lap mosey around the parking lot.  The mosey included high knees and butt kickers.

The 6 PAX completed a round of SSH’s, Strawberry Pickers, and forward/reverse arm circles.

YHC instructed the PAX to gather their drinks and head to the Echo Chamber for the fun to begin.

YHC revealed the Escalating Board of Pain to the PAX.  To my surprise, a few of the PAX were excited to get started….although one did say “that’s going to be like 5 miles of running.”

The BOARD and the THANG:

10 Mountain Climbers-Count each leg

20 Merkins

30 LBC’s

40 Monkey Humpers

50 American Hammers-Count each side

60 Overhead Claps

70 Plank Jacks

80 Moroccan Nightclubs

90 SSH’s

100 Freddie Mercury’s


PAX were instructed to complete the first exercise then run a lap, return to the Echo Chamber complete the first two exercises then run a lap, return to the echo chamber and complete the first 3 exercises then run a lap…..the PAX continued this sequence until the clock hit 0600 and our fun in the gloom ended.  One PAX in attendance, the one who mentioned the 5 miles of running, was able to complete the entire board while the other 5 PAX made it to at least the 90 SSH’s.

At 0600 the PAX came together for the COT which consisted of prayer requests for the M’s of Ripken and Trane, Also, Prayers were requested for Bubbles, 8Ball and Goobs friend Ben who just completed his first doulble round of Immunotherapy.  Prayers for our first responders and military personnel.

Thanks for coming out this morning Gents!!  Looking forward to Wednesday!!!