Saturday April 25, 2020 Virtual Beatdown 0700 hrs  72 degrees

Q= Sir Wallace

PAX= Brutus, Stagecoach, McNugget, Snapshot, Lancelot, Trump, Shamwow

Workout Level= Advanced

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 9987 3514
Password: 556340


25 SSH (Quick)

25 Windmills (slow)

25 Butt kickers

25 High knees

25 Merkins

25 Jump lunge with arms raised

25 Peter Parker

25 sit pike abs



*concrete block or large brick coupon required. Recommended location on driveway.


1a. Coupon Kettlebell Swings 

Reps: 16

2a. Coupon Squat to overhead press

Reps: 16

3a. Merkin alternating each hand on coupon

Reps: 16

(Complete 3 rounds of circuit)



1b. Coupon Curls

Reps: 12

2b. Long Jumps over Coupon

Reps: 12

3b. Coupon drag in plank position alternating each arm

Reps: 12

(Complete 3 rounds of circuit)



1c. Carolina Dry Docks with coupon under feet

Reps: 10

2c. Windshield wipers (leg lifts side to side) while holding coupon above chest

Reps: 10

3c.  One armed pickle-pointers with other arm securing coupon over lap during the exercise

Reps: 10

(Complete 3 rounds of circuit)



  • 10 triangle Merkins
  • Full body stretch on your back for 30 seconds
  • 3 sets of Superman planks 20sec holds
  • 40 Freddy Mercury’s
  • 5 walk out Merkins (starting in the touch your toes position, walk out with arms until all the way out to plank, do one merkin, then walk back to touch your toes then repeat)
  • Alternating opposite arm/leg extension planks 10 reps
  • 20 reverse crunches




Join upcoming bible app plan: https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/12513

Ask Brutus about upcoming trail run for details



Congrats to Lancelot for accepting the torch that Bing carried for three years in the role of F3 Nantan!

Much respect to Defib for his continued dedication to serving others even far away from home.



Let’s call on the name of The Lord.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, lift up our downcast souls and increase your grace within us so we can lift up others and be the High Impact Men we are called to be. Amen.