AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 06/18/2021


Number of Pax: 35

Pax Names: Bing, Bluegrass, Brutus, Bubbles, Clutch, Coop, Crabcakes, Defib, Drake, Enron, Gridlock, J-Bird, Jimmy Dean, Maui, Mr. Clean, Pennypincher, Pincher, Posh, Props, Pudge, Pyro, Ripken, Schweitzer, ShamWow, Six Pack, Smarty Pants, SnapShot, Sniper, Spartan, Stagecoach, Steel, Sully, Trump, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Voodoo

QIC: JimmyDean

The BackBlast:

Conditions:  Dark, 78 and very humid….great for all the “respect” pax joints and muscles.

Chore principals and disclaimers stated!

Mozi: We jogged the bridge and included Nur, high knees,kerioke and more Nur action.

The Warmup: included SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Michael Phelps, Arm circles, Mountain climbers, Imperial Walkers and……BBS!!!

The Thang: The Pax was too large for the original plan of a DORA on the famous Sniper Hill. So we took advantage of the bridge and four corners with a “Stack”.  The stack exercises included Merkins, LBCs, Air Squats and above head hand claps.  We started with 5 Merkins on every corner with a jog as mode of transportation between corners.  After each lap was completed we added the next exercise and increased the number of repetitions,

Lap 1 5 Merkins at each corner. 20 Merkins total

Lap 2 5 Merkins at each corner 10 LBCs after the Merkins. 20 Merkins and 40 LBCs

Lap 3 5 Merkins 10 LBCs and 15 Air Squats…. 20 Merkins 40 LBCs 60 Air Squats

and finally lap 4… I let you all finish the math.  BTW, all this included (COUPONS) 40 lb Sandbags ?

We wrapped up at the top of the hour with a jail brake to the top thanks to our new FNG (Voodoo) “Welcome”


We have Fathers Day Saturday beatdown open to all 2.0s

Prayers for all of our Pax members that have family or friends w cancer… So many of us are experiencing this. It was a Heavy morning of prayers and concerns.

I love F3. Thanks for letting me LEAD (Q) your beatdown this morning!

JimmyDean out



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