AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 10/29/2021


Number of Pax: 23

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Cat 5, Chilipepper, Clutch, Condenser, Cottontail, Defib, Fireball, Goob, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Pincher, Pyro, Sir Wallace, Sonic Boom, Sparkler, Spartan, Steel, Trump, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

A few Brave Souls posted in the great Gloom this morning at NBP.  5:15, 5 Core Principles were reviewed, disclaimers were made.  Pax were divided into teams of 2, each team given a 40 lb bucket.    We then proceeded to Mozy down to the lower level south of the Tower.


Once there we circled up and performed Mike Phelps, SSHs, Strawberry Pickers, Leg Stretches, Gorilla Humpers.


Catch me if you can, with your bucket.  Pax 1 completes exercise while Pax 2 uses Mode of Transportation (MoT) 800 ft down and 800 ft back.  We did modify a bit due to time constraints which will be noted.


  1. 20 ALPO,  20 Al Gore  – MoT Bear Crawl total 1600 ft there and back.


  1. 20 Side Bends per side, 20 Overhand Grip Curls  – MoT CrabWalk – Total 800 ft.  Team carry bucket back.


There were a few more rounds in the works, for another beatdown..


We then proceeded to the base of the tower, buckets and all for COT with the rest of the Cycling Pax.

Shout out to Uzi for visiting us from up north and his eagerness to east some Biscuits.



WildPAX!!  Dec 2-4.

Bullseye County Commissioner Event Nov 11th.

Flight to the North Pole, Raise money for kids with terminal cancer.  Contact Jimmy Dean



Lifting up Snapshot

Nancy fight with cancer.

Mrs. Doubtfire father in law late stage cancer

JD’s friend Karen undergoing cancer surgery.

Baryshnikov job loss

Our Great Country

First Responders, Police, Military.

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