The BackBlast:

Let’s start with the title- for what’s worth, I do to.

Weather-  un-Florida like and decently pleasant.  Most importantly to YHC, no rain.

Many were gathered, 7 pre-ran 7 miles and 2 more ran 3.5 miles for some extra credit.  At precisely 5:15am, Pincher and the other 3 bikers rode through the circle as Goob welcomed all.  Realizing their were no FNG’s, the 5 core values were recited and the mosey commenced.  Running in a counterclockwise fashion, the loop around the parking lot entailed high knees, carioca both ways, and butt kickers.  The Pax then circled up in the parking lot for several good ole-fashioned warm-up exercises, most of which were in cadence.  These included- 20 SSH (IC), 15 Windmills (IC), 10 Strawberry Pickers (IC), leg stretching to a 10 count (3 ways), 10 agitators (IC), and finally concluded with arm circles OYO.

From there, YHC instructed the Pax to follow him to the palm tree trail across the street.  Upon arrival, we planked for the 6.  There was no theme, no moral, no lesson to learn today.  Today was just a plain jane, old school type beatdown.  There were no frills, no thrills, no music, nor any surprises planned.  The thang today- simple and repetitive but increasingly more challenging with each step up the stacked ladder.  Enjoy!

The thang-

Starting at the first palm tree, we would perform 5 merkins.  Get up, run 3 more palms, and do 5 more merkins.  Repeat that until the end of the trail.  At trail’s end, run back the entire trail and then repeat by adding 10 LBC’s to the 5 merkins.  Simple, repetitive, but certainly not easy.

  • 5 Merkins (lap 1)
  • 10 LBC’s (lap 2)
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks (lap 3)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (lap 4)
  • 25 SSH (lap 5)

We had several people get into the mountain climber portion and some finish 2 full rounds with merkins and LBC’s.  No one was left behind and all were instructed to return to the starting point at 5:55 so we could venture back across the street together.  At several points along the path, YHC heard grumblings of “who came up with this Q?”  and “I hate Goob”.  For those keeping count, everyone did at least 80 merkins and 80 LBC’s in addition to roughly 2 miles run; some did significantly more (upwards of 120 merkins, 160 LBC’s, 120 Carolina Dry Docks, and nearly 3 miles of running).

As we gathered in the parking lot with 90 seconds still remaining and knowing that most did not make it to the mountain climber portion of the ladder, YHC led all with 20 mountain climbers in cadence to conclude the thorough beating.

At this point, many confessed their hatred for Goob and I reiterate- I agree wholeheartedly.


  1. 2nd F- Wednesday, June 30th at Ford’s Garage.  RSVP to Pyro.
  2. July 3rd- 1776 beatdown at AP led by Drake; 7 am.
  3. July 10th- Green Beret beatdown
  4. Skunk Ape marathon team looking for a 10th man
  5. Wild Pax Dec. 3rd-5th
  6. Sign up for vacate Q’s.  If a little nervous and/or anxious, team up with me or any other veteran for the assist.


  1. John Rankin- Wolverines friend in TN has Covid and it doesn’t look promising.
  2. ChiliPepper- oldest daughter graduates today
  3. ChiliPepper- friends son, Joyshua, has a spinal infection and is paralyzed from the neck down.
  4. Goob- friend Ben’s fight with cancer
  5. All the unspoken this morning
  6. All the PAX and/or their families traveling.

We got up early this morning and won the morning.  Let that carry over into the rest of your day and Win the Day!

Honored to lead, ~Goob

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