AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 01/01/2021


Number of Pax: 29

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, BP 20, Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Dr Feelgood, Drake, Goob, Jackrabbit, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Lobstah, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Olympus, Posh, Pyro, Red Card, Ripken, Rowdy, Sir Wallace, Sniper, Spackler, Stagecoach, Steel, Trane, Wingman,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP

70 Degrees: Beautiful Morning

29 HIM headed down to the Basketball courts of Adventure Park


10 years ago on this day in a parking lot of a middle school in North Carolina, because of 2 HIM, a revolution was born.

Today, we celebrate that day by posting a beatdown, similar to that of the original, where it all started.


5 Core principles:

Free of Charge: Never a charge to workout, ever.
Open to all Men: No matter the man, you are welcome here.
Held Outdoors:  Rain or Shine, Heat or Chill, we are out there.
Peer Led: Rotating fashion of men leading each other.
Ends with COT: Always ends with a Circle of Trust


Warm ups: Agitators, Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Strawberry Pickers, Motivators from 9

Let’s start at the very beginning…

Exercises: 10 each, then Run to Field & back

Merkin,  Wide-Arm merkins, Diamond Merkins, Imperial Walkrs,

Flutter Kick, LBCs, Side-Straddle Hop,  Squat Thrust,  Mountain Climber

Repeat 4x

  • This was the original workout, however, because it only took about 25 minutes, we added F3 Suncoast favorites to extend the post

Round of  VQ (& a few Qs) Hopefuls: A small taste of what’s expected

Redcard, Pyro, Dr Feelgood,


Suicide Sprints: Run to 1st tree, return, then run to fence, upon return, 10 Burpees, Hold for 6th  (2x)

Closed out with a Round of Mary’s til 8:00am


COT: Circle of Trust

Namarama: No FNGs

Announcements: Burpee Challenge for January 2021, Sniper’s Clay Shoot Jan 30th, Gridlock’s Race Feb 2021

Prayers: Drakes Family, Ripken’s Father in Law,

Military, Medical Staff, Farmers, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Leaders, F3 Pax, Our Nation!


Thank you all for posting this morning on this memorable Anniversary. Excited to Q today, the workout was planned with the idea of bringing the traditions of the past together with the new. Various elements reminded us of the importance & impacts of it’s relevance to F3. The original workout & past Pax who started Suncoast to the newer Pax who VQ’d were examples of how these elements play an important role in our success.  Pax counting loudly w/ the various leads during cadences, emphasized the importance of support for their leader, while the Suicide Sprints gave us a chance to have a little fellowship, w/ your brother by your side, as well as bringing in the 6th. This 2020 year has been challenging, however many of us were able to get through it with much support by our fellow brothers. Thank you all for a great F3 year. I thank our Sky Q everyday for the impacts you all have made on me, as well as the impacts you all make on each other & our community. Many can see it, from your M’s, 2.0s, peers, & your community. I know Dredd & OBT are really proud and excited to see the thousands of Strong HIM F3 has become & where it’s going moving forward.

“Worrying never robs tomorrow of it’s sorrow, it only saps today of it’s Strength”


 Wishing you all a Fantastic New Year. In this extraordinary year, I’ve been grateful for your extraordinary friendship…. thank you. And cheers to new beginnings. May all your wildest dreams manifest in 2021. You got this!

As always, Blessed & Honored – Lancelot

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