The BackBlast:

The Suncoast PAX rallied with 48 strong including a handful of down range men who traveled to join us as we met for the annual 1776 Patriot Games. (Most notably Scratch & Win from NC).

After the standard welcome and recitation of the F3 mission statement and core principles we flexed our vocal cords with a rousing rendition of God Bless America. With that, the beatdown commenced with a 1776 yard (1 mile) run followed by 100 each of the following:

Merkins, Overhead Claps, LBC’s, Dips, Moroccan Nightclubs, Leg Scissors, Pull-ups, Step-ups, Squats, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Touches, Plank Jacks, High Knees, Lunges and SSH. A 100 yard bear crawl to the American Flag and 76 burpees rounded out the fun. Shout out to Deep Dish for being the first finisher to complete all elements.

A powerful COT including an inspiring testimony by guest Scratch & Win wrapped things up.

Uocoming Events:

7/4/23 @7:30pm Bob Gardner Park in LWR 2.0 Friendly workout hosted by Chili Pepper

Robinson Preserve Wine & Cheese Ruck-6:45 pm launch on Thursday 7/6.

7/15 Nokomis Family Friendly Beach Day starting at 0700 with a ruckfest. Big Mac is heading this one up.

7/18 Cards Against Humanity at Polo Run Clubhouse. Sonic Boom is heading this up. This is not designed to be family friendly. Starting time TBA.

Praise reports and prayer requests-

Bing lifted praises for the courage of our founding fathers who had the incredible bravery to sign the declaration of independence in spite of the risks that meant for themselves and their families.

Warrior lifted praises for the love, support and encouragement he has received from his F3 brothers.

Praises for Snapshot stepping up and providing transpo to Warrior enabling him to make his 2nd beatdown.

Mr. Clean lifted up praises to his fellow pax who have reached out to envy him through a tough season.

Fireball lifted praises for the upcoming sale of his family home and a prayer request for a smooth closing and transition. He is looking for moving muscle on Saturday at 9:30am.

Jimmy Dean lifted up prayer requests on behalf of the Kelly family, who are dealing with the challenges of Alzheimer’s and a recent related suicide. Manziel extended the offer for information and resources for anyone dealing with Alzheimer related challenges.

Prayers for Trane’s mother Gail who is recovering from a heart attack and for his daughter who hit her head while doing a backflip into the pool.

Usher lifts up prayer requests for Nomad’s M who has heart issues

Bing asks for prayers as he has an appointment this Thursday in preparation for a procedure to address the Afib he’s been dealing with. Prayers for excellent care and ease in dealing with the insurance.

Bubbles asks for prayers on behalf of the Dunahue and Vray families as they have each suffered a recent loss.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Independence Day with their loved ones!



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