AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 02/05/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Condenser, Crabcakes, Goob, Lancelot, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Posh, Pyro, Ripken, Stagecoach, Thor, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

5:15 am, crisp with a little haze to start of this Friday.  5 core principles were addressed and disclaimers were shared.  Accelerate but don’t injure yourself (too much) in the process.  No segregation between rucks and Pax.

Mozy! , Super Sexy comprised of Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Homer To Marge and Hot Chicks

Pax then circled up and Strawberry Pickers, Michel Phelps, Arm cycles, Accelerators,


Pax were paired in 2s, one with ruck and the other not.  Main job was for pax to accelerate each other and rucking pax to convince the other brother to sign up for GrowRuck!

each team was given a bucket and 30 to 40 pounds of coupons.  We then headed to cattlemen rd.

Catch me if you can.  Pax 1 moves using mode of transport while other does exercises with bucket.  Course 400 meters.

Round 1.  – Transportation Bear Crawl / 30 ALPO,  30 Al Gore, 30 Merkin on Bucket

Round 2 – Transportation CrabWalk / 30 Side Bends per side, 30 overhand grip Curls,  30 Shrugs

Jail Break to the tip of the tower!!



  • Races each month!
  • Men’s night Friday night
  • SMH serving opportunity – See Mr. Clean and donate
  • GrowRuck – get you some


  • Goob’s brother recovering from appendix surgery
  • Ben and his next steps in treatment
  • Posh’s unspoken prayers
  • Crabcake’s MIL and her recovery from surgery
  • Safe travels for Crabcake’s M
  • For Grandpa Pincher and his continued recovery
  • Gridlock and the passing if this father in law
  • Sir Walice’s mother
  • Snapshot’s sister


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