AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 11/17/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, Bluegrass, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Condenser, Fireball, Kotter, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Pierogi, Pincher, Props, Ripken, Sparkler, Spartan, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Pierogi

QIC: Props

The BackBlast:

At 5:15am, 16 PAX and 1 FNG gathered before the Ruckers split off. Core principles were shared and a brief Mozie commenced on a 59 degree, clear, calm morning. Merkins, Strawberry pickers and Freddie Mercury’s broke up a fast lap around the cones.

Beatdown: As your parents explained growing up, pointless pain builds character. Our motley crew has quite the characters! A racing Dora commenced around the cones with both partners completing American Hammers, Carolina Dry Docks, Flutterkicks, Merkins, LBC’s, Freddie Mercury’s and another point of pain. Bing and Fireball completed the laps first for immortal glory and an opportunity for the remainder of the pax to catch their breath. With heart rates and body temperatures up, enough character was considered built. Next phase focused on building integrity by continuing the same Dora at a slower pace while splitting 100 reps of each exercise. Counting accurately was stressed but at the same time the brains had been drained of oxygen from the previous round (my bad).

6am brought the rucking crew back for COT. YHC commended the PAX for their visible character and integrity from a previous COT challenge. F3 Suncoast is growing due to men willing to grow in all areas of their lives!

Announcements: Food drive continues, bring canned or non perishable food to morning beatdowns. Chili pepper has promised one burpee for each canned item brought to Thanksgiving mornings beatdown at University Publix!

Praises: Wolverine’s 2.0 leading worship at their church after conquering her fear of public performance.

Prayers: Pincher’s M has a blood test coming up.

Wolverine has an evangelist friend hosting an outreach in the parking lot of Desoto Square Mall tonight, Thursday and Friday. Reach out directly for further details.

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