The BackBlast:

Weather:  SW Florida

5:15a hit, disclaimer was shared, mission statement recited, core principles stated and credo reviewed, and we were off for a mosey around the traffic circle with NUR, High knees, side shuffle x2 and a return to pick up the 6 prior to returning to the startex.  Upon returning, the Circle of Pain ensued with the following:

  • Plank Jacks x10IC
  • Parker Peter x10IC
  • Peter Parker x10IC
  • LBCs x20IC
  • Hello Dolly x10IC
  • Freddie Mercury x10IC
  • SSH x30 IC

The Thang:

With a short mosey over to the wide open spaces of the parking lot, it was time for some APPLE TURNOVER!!  Starting at the curb, bear crawl 3 parking lot lines, flip over to crab walk for 3 parking lot lines – progressing all the way to the end of the parking lot.  On the way back, it was time for some HOT APPLE TURNOVER which included a return trip, but this time as CRAWL BEAR and WALK CRAB instead.  The pax will be feeling those palms for a while. Planking until the 6 is in.

The next destination was the big balls of Target, but with a string of pearls along the way.  The stop included 10 step ups each foot and 10 dips followed by a low dip hold until the 6 was in.  Once we arrived at the big balls – the pax were separated into 2 squads.  Squad 1 did 10 monkey humpers and 10 squats at each red ball with a mode of transportation being lunge walk (leg assault).  Squad 2 started with a round of Bone the Fish and then did the red ball assault.  Squad 1 ended with a round of Bone the Fish.

On our return trip to the startex, we did another string of pearls stopping once to do 10 Wheezy Jeffersons IC and 10 Flutter Kicks IC and the second stop with with 10 step ups each foot and 10 dips.

Once we returned to the startex, we did a quick round of Mary including Carolina Dry Docks (x10IC), Big Boy Situps (x10OYO), squat jumps (x10 IC) and Shoulder Taps (x10IC).


  • 2nd F Dinner next Tuesday at Eds Tavern – 6:30p
  • More great happenings with VMA that was attended by Callahan – Let’s get these boys up to standard for reading!
  • Opening of the new Bee Hive AO – Uerfer Family Park on Saturday!  Let’s show some support!


  • Gold Watch’s Father recovering from a stroke
  • Ripken’s foot follow-up appointment
  • Praise to Chili Pepper and his work in Cuba
  • Calm and Confidence for Bing’s 2.0 as he heads to Virginia this weekend/next week.
  • All other prayers mentioned and in our hearts
  • Praise to the pax for reaching out and showing love to YHC while struggling earlier this week.


It is always an honor to lead such an amazing group of men, and this past week reminded me of what a true gift we have in F3.  Having gone back into Afib again, this week was as much challenging mentally as it was physically.  When word got out, my phone lit up with calls, texts, slack messages and more of love, appreciation and care, and it was greatly needed.  YHC is truly looking forward to this being behind me in the near future but am more than comforted knowing I have the men of F3 Suncoast behind me.  You all epitomized the credo this week.  You did not leave this man behind, nor did you leave me where you found me.  Love you brothers and truly humbled by each and every one of you.

~Bing Out

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