AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 01/27/2021


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Condenser, Crabcakes, Goob, Kotter, Lobstah, Mr. Clean, Mugsy, Olympus, Pincher, Posh, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

A foggy 63F

4:35a Bing and Ripken ran laps while Olympus, Stagecoach and myself blasted burpees.

5:15a and ready to go we launched into a mosey without listing the 5 core principles. Once we moved into out warmorama Cavallino reminded the Q of his absent mindedness, so one arm penalty burpees were gladly completed.

Some Pax broke off to go ruck while the rest probably wish they did the same.


(20 reps each exercise = 400 total reps)

Round 1

  1. Side step lunges
  2. Shoulder taps
  3. American Hammers
  4. Burpees

Round 2

  1. Carolina dry docks
  2. Olympus long swimmers
  3. Side to side hop
  4. Burpees

Round 3

  1. Ripken toe touches
  2. Triangle Merkins
  3. High kicks
  4. Burpees

Round 4

  1. Pickle pointer Tricep dips
  2. Plank position hip rotations
  3. Speed skaters
  4. Burpees

Round 5

  1. Freddy Mercury’s
  2. Sumo squat calf raises
  3. Crossover leg lifts
  4. Burpees

With time to spare, round of marys brought us to 6:00a

Today’s Message:

This prayer comes to mind…  Eternal God, within whom Love is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us, that in difficult times we may not despair nor become despondent, but submit ourselves to your most Holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.


This Saturday Clay Shoot!

Get with Mr. Clean regarding helping fund the upcoming dinner for SMH staff.

Join F3Suncoast team for the annual superhero run. Also volunteer opportunities available.

also not far away, is the annual Sup n run at Benderson park, so wait to last minute to signup


To God for continuing to bless us and help us be a blessing to others


lifting up Lancelot for a speedy recovery from his foot surgery.

For all the spoken and unspoken prayer requests that are on out hearts


Always an honor and a pleasure fella’s,
– Sir Wallace ✌️

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