AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 05/08/2021


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Bing, Blade Runner, Brutus, Cavallino, Cottontail, Dragnet, Drake, Enron, Lobstah, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Olympus, Pincher, Ripken, ShamWow, SnapShot, Stagecoach, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:


Perfect for us Florida folk, in the 60’s


2 Laps around the parking lot, included some high knees, but kickers, and carioca.


SSH to Failure- or at least long enough to push them close to.

20 Werkins-20 in cadence (Wide Arm Merkins)

20 Hand Release Merkins in cadence

05 Yurpees in cadence (Clap Merkin with 2 Jack Jumps=1 Yurpee)


Each partner takes turns in a relay like fashion, one partner does the exercise while the other runs the sidewalk circle, stopping to perform 15 reps at each intersection of the sidewalk. PAX encouraged to partner with another PAX that would be benefit form the partnership, someone more challenged by the workout with someone less challenged.

100 Burpees (Intersection exercise Merkins)

200 Squats (Intersection exercise Money Humpers)

300 American Hammers SINGLE SIDE COUNT (Intersection exercise LBC)


400 Moroccan Nightclub (front to back=1)

Had 4 minutes left, so we SSH for 4 minutes


First we went to failure OYO (there was a reason WHY you stopped, think about what that was)

The 3 exercises in the THANG after SSH, first letters spelled “WHY” the reasoning we provide ourselves to make ourselves feel secure. Why’s can easily turn to an excuse, the challenge is to find the reason why to succeed.

We finished with a Dora…why?

We failed on our own to start “OYO SSH”

Then we finished with a partner, who undoubtedly pushed you harder, further, faster, than you would have done OYO.

We are stronger together and that is WHY brother!

WHY BSAH: for those that Fart Sacked…Pincher OUT

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