AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 10/23/2020


Number of Pax: 21

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, BP 20, Brutus, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Clutch, Goob, Gridlock, Lancelot, Lonestar, Manziel, Papa Smurf, Pyro, Ripken, Steel, Thurmanator, Trane, Trump, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

PREP:  This Q slot was open as of 9 days prior, and YHC was aware that frequent visitor F3 Thurmanator was DR from Greensboro, so we agreed to co-Q.  There were no pre-beatdown activities, as co-Q’s were busy conspiring (“the act of making secret plans jointly to commit a harmful act”).  Harmful is subjective – modify as needed, right?

WEATHER: 75 degrees, humidity continuing to drop, but something in the 60’s would be nice, just for a change of pace, huh?

5:15AM: YHC nervously recited most of the 5 core principles, and welcomed DR pax Thurmanator (Greensboro NC) and Love Seat (Columbus OH) – great name.  QIC and the pax were happy to see a few MIA pax: Gridlock, Trane, Lonestar, and BP20 (you look GREAT – maybe we should rename you BP10?) return from injury.

MESSAGE: No message today – let’s get to work.

WARM UP: Tower and north half of the parking lot were off limits (mall cops – argh), so mosey to south bridge entrance, proceeded south on Cattleman for “a while”, then stopped at a random turn-around point and did (25) SSHs.  Mixed in some arm raised running and nurring and the usual butt kickers, high knees and side shuffle out and back from the parking lot.  Circled up in parking lot to finish the warm-up for some grass grabbers and bent over stretches, Michael Phelps, arm circles OYO, then wrapped up with (20) LBCs IC.

THE THANG: With significantly more Q’ing experience than YHC, Thurmanator’s suggestion of an 8-rung ladder looked like the plan, with the suggestion for the Suncoast pax to gain more experience perfecting THE Buckeye Burpee (see “EXERCISES” below), so this was added as rung #1.  Pax were split into 2 groups, with YHC leading one group, and Thurmanator the other.  The exploration theme of recent beatdowns continued with some running north on Cattleman to the first roundabout @ UTC the target turn-around point, approx 1-minute runs between rungs, stopping for the ladder exercises between the runs. YHC’s group used one side of Cattleman and Thurmanator’s group the opposite side of the street.


  • Ladder rungs as follows:
    • (5) THE Buckeye Burpee
    • (10) HR Merkins
    • (16) Side Lunges (8/side)
    • (20) Prayer Crunches
    • (25) SSH
    • (30) Flock of Seagulls
    • (35) Air Squats
    • (40) Cindy Crawfords (20/side)

PLAYLIST: No music today.  Well, except for Ripken’s butt playing the Skynyrd classic “That Smell”.


  • Approx 1.7 miles traversed.
  • Intent of splitting the pax was to create some competition and across-the-street mumble chatter.  Thurmanator’s group took the lead early and did not relinquish.
  • Thurmanator’s Q experience was obvious as YHC’s group was organized and in cadence (at least when I was looking), while YHC’s group was somewhat disorganized.  Lesson learned.
  • Timing was good – Thurmanator’s group finished the ladder upon return to the parking lot with a couple minutes for a round of Mary’s.  YHC didn’t push his group hard enough, as time ran out, but was sure to start the last ladder rung with the Cindy Crawford’s then start from the top.


  • Thurmanator’s F3 story: first post 30-APR-2016 in Greensboro.  Keeps coming back for the fellowship.  EH’d YHC throughout 2018.
  • Rowdy’s friend’s house remodel- rip and repair, Oct 24 9AM meet @ AP
  • Lancelot ZOOM meeting 29-OCT @ 7PM to begin prep for Suncoast GrowRuck event May 14-16
  • F3 logo for next year shirts – submittals due FRI 30-OCT
  • F3 Foundation Give to Give ends 31-OCT (Suncoast in 3rd place)
  • Walk to End Alzheimer’s Saturday 21-NOV (Manziel)


  • BP20 thanks for support / pax reaching out during his injury/recovery
  • QuickDraw health and job status
  • Great to see Trane; Sara doing well with many follow-up procedures over the coming months
  • Posh Grandfather / family situation across the pond

WRAP-UP: YHC remains humbled by the trust given to lead the pax.  It’s fun to lead you all, because you kind of listen – way more than my M and 2.0’s.

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