AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 03/19/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Condenser, Crabcakes, Goob, Hang 10, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Pyro, Rapino, Ripken, Skipper, Steel, Sully,

Number of FNGS: 17

FNG Names: Noonan

QIC: JimmyDean

The BackBlast:

Conditions: Dark, dry, stars, breezy and 67! Perfect

Warm up/Mozi: Since we had a FNG (welcome Noonan)…. “jail break” our warm up was 5 flights+ of stairs to the top of the tower where we warmed up with the following.  SSH, m Phelps, arm circles, strawberry pickers, imperial walkers,Merkins and BBS.


The Thang:

”Stack time”

The rules are you have to continue to repeat the prior exercise (s) before u go onto the next exercise. Between each revolution you run 60 yards and perform shoulder press x 20 reps or 40 jump ropes.

stack list

20 SSH

20 overhead claps

20 air squats

20 lbc

20 Carolina dry docks

20 lunges 10 each leg

20 American Hammers

20 Merkins

40 mountain climbers

10 burpees


Welcome Cole FNG ( Sully’s son visiting from Cleveland) “Noonan”

Prayers and Praises

Bing’s nephew Andrew

Crabcakes daughter Becca

Enron’s 2.0

Chili’s daughter

Noonan and Sully

Hang 10’s wife and upcoming BIRTH !?

as per usual….. thanks for letting me lead such a great group of not so sad clowns…

JimmyDean out.

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