AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 03/04/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Brutus, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Enron, Goob, Manziel, Pincher, Posh, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: 58 and fantastic

5:15a struck and the lot was filled with many cars…12 pax posting at Ft. Hamer.  11 of which were looking for a long run, 1 with ruck on.  Chili Pepper took to his ruck workout while the remaining 11 went for the 10k loop, a virgin loop for some in attendance.  The rule of thumb, it’s a leftward loop with only right turns.  Look for the Savannah Lakes sign around mile 5 for another right turn….and don’t get lost!!

Disclaimer shared and core principles reviewed and we were off.  Mumble chatter was strong and the pace groups were apparent.  Goob, Crabcakes, Spinal Tap, Yamaha, BladeRunner and YHC were settling in nicely for a sub 8-minute pace that would escalate quickly, especially post Bing turn.  The first pace group hit 5 miles and looped back to pick up the second pace group which was surprisingly close behind, averaging around 8:30/mile including Brutus (great work brother), Posh, Manziel, Pincher and Enron.

All hit a minimum of 6 miles and all accelerated their fitness once again!


  • SMH Serve event taking place on Friday
  • Raider Run in March – 12 signed up so far – let’s get to 20!
  • Gator Wilderness run in April
  • Sup n Run in May
  • GrowRuck in May
  • Starting this weekend, Pre-Ruck to AP starts at 5:15a.  Plan to run through to the start of the 7a bootcamp and wear your ruck during the bootcamp.  It is time for next level training to make GrowRuck 18 our “Little B”.
  • Outlaw Trail Run next Tuesday – to be confirmed by Brutus

Prayers/Praises – as customary at Ft. Hamer – all share prayers and praises in COT.

  • Pincher’s sisters in coping with the loss of their father
  • Praises for Chili Pepper’s wedding anniversary weekend
  • Prayers for The Rock as he undergoes prostrate cancer treatment
  • Prayers for Manziel’s MIL and her back surgery recovery and being able to come visit (and give Manziel and his M some time together sans 2.0)
  • Praise to the pax for checking in on Jackrabbit and prayers for a positive outcome and a shorter cast for JR
  • Prayers for Yahama’s M who is still battling with some breathing issues post Covid
  • Praise to the pax for the fitness levels they are at, but prayers they don’t take it for granted
  • Prayers for Enron’s 2.0 and his surgery recovery and prayers for Enron and his patience!
  • Prayers for Crabcake’s MIL’s recovery and an understanding of how love and appreciation goes a long way in seeking help/assistance
  • Prayers for Crabcake’s M in dealing with the situation above
  • Prayers for Brutus’s M as she deals with the anxiety that comes along with caring for elderly parents and the trials of 2.0s
  • Praise from Brutus to the pax for helping him push to this level of fitness at the ripe ole age of 56…I mean 55
  • Prayers for Posh’s Mum as she continues to struggle being isolated/quarantined in England, and coping with the loss of her husband.
  • Praise from YHC for remembering all of the prayer requests (twice now)
  • Prayers for YHC 2.0 as she gets her wisdom teeth removed today.

It was a great morning, as Thursday mornings often are and it was great to have 11 other men to lead!! Always an honor to be amongst these great men!

~Bing Out

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