AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 10/28/2020


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Goob, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Mugsy, Olympus, Pincher, Posh, Pudge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: JimmyDean

The BackBlast:

Conditions:78 humid and dark.
Welcome CPap from Charlotte!
Mozi and Warmup:
We launched from the liquor store on Liqour loop and performed high knees, butt kickers, kerioke and Nur stuff. The wide awake pax then circled up for some SSH, strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circles and Merkins. Finally bad back stretches.

The Thang:
Ripkenā€™s parking space line touches. How many in a minute?
Next we did an 11 SSH and LBC
Mumble Chatter was replaced by heavy breathing and we transitioned to a Dora.

The Dora
200 LBCs
200 Merkins
200 Air squats
Closed w Monkey Humpers X 30
While one pax did the exercise the other pax ran 70 yards to a bench and did tricep dips/step ups.

Cotton Tail

Sorry for the delay getting this o everybody.
JD out.

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