AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 01/09/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Brutus, Chilipepper, Cottontail, Dragnet, Enron, Lancelot, Lobstah, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Pyro, Rowdy, Sir Wallace, Stagecoach, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Enron

QIC: Pyro

The BackBlast:

Five Core Principles reviewed and welcomed newcomer – FNG Enron.

Warmup  – Mozy with high knees, butt kickers,  merkins, strawberry pickers.

The Thang  -45 minutes:  (Music with timer) AMRAP workout with 4 Corners. Move as a group. Timer 80 second exercise/ 30 seconds rotation. Count off in 4 groups.

Corner 1:  Abs (Big Boys, American Hammers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Plank, Freddy Mercury).  MOT: Crab Walk

Corner 2:  Legs (Squats, Monkey Humpers, Calf raises, Al Gore,  Imperial Walkers, Burpees).  MOT:  Lunge (alternate between front, side and back)

Corner 3: Arms (Shoulder Taps, Raise the Roof, Merkins, Flock of Seagulls, Carolina Dry Docks, Moroccan Night Clubs)

MOT: Bear Crawl

Corner 4: Pick Your Poison: 100 yard dash, Tire Flippin , Murder Bunnies or Burpees for the Burpee Challenge. MOT: Run

Circle Back Up: Round of Mary until 8.

Count-o-rama, name-o-rama, Welcome FNG – Enron, announcements


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