AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 05/04/2022


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Callahan, Chilipepper, Condenser, Cupid, Hardhat, Kotter, Mr. Clean, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Posh, Probert, Sea Lion, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

May the 4th Be With You!  Starwars inspired beatdown…

Mozy.  With stops doing…

Jedi Shuffle

Imperial Soldiers (toy Soldiers)

Imperial Walkers

Side Straddle JarJars.

Yoda Humpers

Light Saber Pointers



Each Round Starts With 1 min on, 10 seconds off AMRAP

  1. Side Straddle Jar Jar
  2. Wookie Climbers (Mountain Climbers)
  3. Darth Jump Lunges
  4. Imperial Walkers
  5. Yoda Jumps (Squat Jumps)


What car takes you to a Jedi? A ToYODA

Round 1 – “Do or Do Not, there is no Try”

10 Burpees

Jack Webbs w/Coupon (1 merkin, 2 Presses on knees; 2 merkins, 4 presses)…up to 10


What do you call an Evil Procrastinator? Darth Later


Round 2 –  Vader-“Come to the Dark Side”

10 Burpees

20 Bent rows w/Coupon

20 Skull Crushers w/Coupon


What character works in a restaurant? Darth Waiter


Round 3 – Jedi Training-“Luke, I am your Father”

10 Burpees

20 WWIs w/coupon (take coupon all the way back)

20 Coupon curls


What Star Wars movie do baseball players hate? The Umpire Strikes Back

Due to time constraints we did not complete a 4th Round.


Welcome to Probert, transplant from F3 Lake Effect!


Book study

Rucking fort hammer

May 14th

VQ week June


COT – Prayers

  • Mrs Doubtfire- dr app 1:30
  • MRs Doubtfire friend, Doug in the loss of his 2.0
  • Sea Lion  – cardiologist and cardio issues.
  • Prayers for Bing- headspace after being a true HIM…

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