AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 03/11/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bing, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Enron, Goob, Gridlock, Lancelot, Manziel, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- basically perfect.  59 and calm winds.

As pointed out in the slack channel, we have several PAX with achievable goals if the proper work is put in.  How can we lop off minutes from our run times?  Hill work.  Where do we have hills in Florida?  Ft. Hamer bridge.  The fun was planned.

At 5:12, it became apparent that this would be another well attended Ft. Hamer day- a new and welcome trend.  The “original” Defib was in town from PA and wanted to see what we were all about.  He and Bing were catching up and several others were getting to know him.  At 5:14:25, Gridlock emerged from nowhere.  At 5:15, Goob laid out the plan for the day.  It was simple- run across the bridge to the very bottom and around the turn.  Turnaround.  Repeat as many times as possible until 6:05 am.

The problem with the workout- the chatter is a bit lower because the breathing (if done correctly) is a lot higher/faster.  It is a necessary evil if we want to improve.  The good of the run- it will beat everyone down regardless of fitness level and really increase your speed.  Gridlock was the clear pacesetter but everyone did a solid job.

Great job brothers!


  1. SMA run on March 27th
  2. Gator Wilderness run, April 24th
  3. Sup-n-Run, May 1st (?)
  4. GoRuck May 13-14


  1. Several gave praise for the PAX, the pain PAX, and just the brotherhood.
    1. F3 means a lot to everyone and despite the nuances of what that might be, this brotherhood is strong.  The shield lock is fantastic and we are truly sharpening one another.
    2. Dillon, Enron’s 2.0, as he struggles to find his meaning and his purpose.
    3. Yamaha’s mother-in-law is in town.
    4. Becca, Crabcakes 2.0, had oral surgery and is recovering.  Charlene, his mother-in-law, had back surgery and is struggling through her recovery.
    5. Manziel’s family friends dealing with loss.
    6. Chilipepper’s M has a coworker whose family is dealing with a ominous cancer diagnosis.
    7. Jason, Goob’s brother, is finally on the mend after 5 weeks of dealing with surgery and post-surgical infections.  He also faces a job decision.

It is always my honor.


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