AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 09/02/2022


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Ace, Big Popi, Bing, Booboo, Brutus, Callahan, Chilipepper, Clutch, Defib, Drake, Lancelot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Pincher, Ripken, Sea Lion, Sir Wallace, Spamalot, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Great morning to do some IronPAX!   Started a few minutes early and went over the exercises and plan for IronPAX week 0.  Disclosures were said and 5 core principles announced.


  1. Free
  2. Open to all Men
  3. Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Peer led
  5. End with Circle of Trust


Timer was set, music on and GO!


The Thang

Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 thrusters (Squat at shoulder to overhead press)
  2. 20 merkins (chest to ground)


Brenton – 3 rounds:

  1. 100 foot bearcrawl out
  2. 100 foot burpee broad jump back
  • Perform 3 burpees and then 5 broad jumps


Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 thrusters
  2. 20 merkins



and Other Modifications by Dr. Marc (F3 ScarU)

The Thang

Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 goblet squats/air squats
  2. 20 merkins on knees/table merkins/wall merkins


Brenton – 3 rounds:

  1. 100 foot mosey/lunge walk/back pedal
  2. 100 foot mosey/lunge walk/back pedal
  • Perform 3 merkins halfway through


Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 goblet squats/air squats
  2. 20 merkins on knees/table merkins/wall merkins



  • IronPAX!
  • WildPAX
  • Pride Park AO



  • Big Mac COVID Recovery
  • Brutus’ fathers COVID recovery
  • Jimmy Dean COVID recovery
  • Travel mercies
  • Drake’s Friend Jamie- daughters seizures and moms surgery
  • San Antonio ride group
  • Pride Park AO – 5 FNGs

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