AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 03/14/2023


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Beta Max, Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Condenser, Kotter, Ponzi, SnapShot, Spamalot, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

Pre-blast: Join YHC to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the stork dropping me off at my mommy’s!

PREP:  Empty out (2) 2.5 gallons of 30 Seconds mildew cleaner via the tank sprayer onto my tile roof.  Re-fill them with water.  Bring to beatdown.

WEATHER: upper 60’s humid

5:15AM: Let’s go!  5 core principles and welcome to 3 DR pax from Columbus: Dimon, Junk and Shaggy!  Agenda presented to attending pax – a smorgasbord of activities planned!

WARM UP: Mosey to the traffic circle for the first agenda item (WORSHIP) – Sun Gods w/YHC on the stage and all pax exercising toward the birthday boy.  Continue mosey north along Cattlemen, turn left at the traffic light.  Mosey a little more toward Target, then circle up in parking lot.

(58) SSH, with a twist = count backwards, including the cadence count (3, 2, 1…).  Condenser decided to join us in the midst of the SSHs, with his consequence being to stand in the middle of the circle and watch all other pax complete 5 burpees after completion of all SSH’s.  Continue to quick mosey toward grassy area and circle up in parking lot.  

(58) burpees, (10) burpees in one minute increments / one minute timer set for each set of 10, allowing for a ~15 second break before the next set.  

2 Thangs = 2.5G and 5-8’s 

2.5G: mosey to shopping cart bin in front of Michael’s.  Pax get in order, tallest to shortest, then team up in groups of 2, tallest with shortest, 2nd tallest & 2nd shortest, etc.  Pax were gifted with 2.5G jugs of water @ 20 lbs each.  2 teams race against each other: each team with one jug are to lift/pass the jug over the horizontal cart structure about 6’ high, lower the jug to tap the approx thigh high barrier on the cart structure, then up and back over the 6’ bar.  100 reps each time, it is a race.  Winning team plank until other team is complete.  At race completion, return to grassy area; 2 other teams to race until everyone gets a chance.

5-8’s: a variation on 7-11 – a l’il different in honor of YHC’s b’day.  Exercises randomly selected by Siri (“hey Siri, give me a random number between 1 and 10”): 1) Merkins, 2) SSH. 3) American Hammers, 4) Big Boys, 5) Squats, 6) Dry Docks, 7) Burpees, 8) Crunchy Frog, 9) Imperial Walkers, 10) Burpees.  (YES – burpees on the list 2x).  2 exercises selected for each set of 5-8.  Mode (short distance across green grass area) – also randomly selected by Siri: 1) Care-ee-OH-key, 2) run, 3) nur, 4) bearcrawl, 5) side shuffle.  

All teams were able to finish the 2.5G at least once, and the winning team from the first race at least started a 2nd set.

(4) sets of 5-8’s were completed:

     Set 1: Burpees + Squats, mode=side shuffle

     Set 2: Burpees + Dry Docks, mode=side shuffle (yes, burpees again)

     Set 3: Big Boys + Crunchy Frog, mode=run

     Set 4: Am Ham + Am Ham, mode=nur

So the Columbus DR’s didn’t get too homesick, Dimon led the pax in 7 Mogul’s – a succession of plank-based horrible arm-intense exercises exported from Columbus, Ohio and named after a beast named Mogul.

PLAYLIST: During 5-8’s, Spotify “1965 Best Rock Songs”, including the Rolling Stones, the Who, the McCoy’s, The Bobby Fuller Four, The Beatles, The Knickerbockers, The Animals, etc.

SUMMARY: Lots going on.  YHC is a little biased, but seemed like fun!  2.5G resulted in lactic acid build-up 24-48 hours later.  (115) total burpees – as far as YHC knows, that’s a record for a single bootcamp.


April 1 – F3 Suncoast 6th anniversary

April 22 – Adventure trail run 5K, 10K, 15K

April 29 – Mysterio2

VMA stuff – March 20 b’day party, March 25 school grounds clean-up


Snapshot travels

Kiernan and family (continued)


YHC truly appreciates pax pushing me physically and spiritually.  YHC truly believes that there would be significantly less purpose in life without F3.  

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