AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 10/25/2022


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Chilipepper, Crabgrass, Manning, Manziel, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mugsy, Pork Roll, Posh, Sonic Boom, Spartan, Teletubby,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mrs. Doubtfire

The BackBlast:

Not sure why the title but sounded good at the time of writing this

It was a Bakers Dozen gather on a wonderful Monday AM in the gloom. We started with 5 Core Principals of which I brain farted (thankfully I didn’t fart sack the morning) on 1 and thankfully Pork Roll corrected me. We started with a short mosey and followed with Strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps and Motivators starting with a 7 count.

The thang – simple 4 corners. Round 1 Merkins, 20 reps which you will complete at each corner, move to Round 2 LBCs, 25 reps you get the idea. Mode of transport Run corner 1 to 2 and 2 to 3, side shuffle corner 3 to 4 and NUR back to start

12 Rounds –

1) Merkins – 20 reps

2) LBCs – 25

3) Squats – 25

4) Dry Docks – 15

5) Leg Lifts – 20

6) MTN Climbers – 20

7) Big Boy Sit ups – 15

8) Burpees – 5

9) Moroccan Nightclub- 20

10) Wide Arm Merkins – 10

11) Calf Raises – 15

12) Flitter Kicks – 20

COT – 6 AM came faster than you could say Glazed doughnuts for everyone!!

Announcements – WildPax, Ragnar, Buds and Alzheimer’s walk all upcoming

Prayers/Praise – Moment of silence to clear our thoughts, all the unsaid prayers/praises and being grateful for a great way to start the week off.

An Honor and pleasure to lead you men.
Mrs Doubtfire

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