AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 01/25/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bluegrass, Goob, Papa Smurf, SnapShot, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- a balmy 50 degrees BUT beat the rain

6 pax were circled and chatting when Goob posed the question- “Why are the Christmas lights still up at UTC?”  The banter was strong but at promptly 5:15, Goob recited the 5 core principles.  As the Pax began the mosey, Big Mac rolled in on 2 wheels, hopped out of the car, and joined in the mosey without missing a stride.  The overall distance covered in the mosey was 800 meters which carried the Pax to the base of the tower.  Goob completed the warmup with 10 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, and 10 Windmills in cadence.  We followed that up with agitators, arm circles, and Michael Phelps.  At that point, Goob delivered the days “simple” plan.

The Thang:

  • 800 meter run
  • 100 merkins, big boy sit-ups, and squats
  • 800 meter run
  • 50 merkins, big boy sit-ups, and squats
  • 800 meter run
  • 25 merkins, big boys, and squats
  • 800 meter run
  • 25 merkins, big boys, and squats

Modification as necessary was encouraged.  It was not easy, but it was simple.  All had fun.


  1. Ski shoot this weekend
  2. Feb 5th- Bridge-A-Life Superhero 5K
  3. March 12th- Raider Rise-N-Run


  1. David’s family as they transition to life after him.  Snapshot as he continues to heal from this as well.
  2. Ben, Goob’s friend, received life’s end news and it appears the finality is near.
  3. Teachers, firefighters, police officers, first responders
  4. Community leaders, pastors, state officials, and national government for God’s discernment

Always an honor brothers,


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