AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 01/15/2022


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names: Abacus, Bing, Blade Runner, Bone Crusher, Brutus, Cat 5, Chilipepper, Coco, Enforcer, Fireball, Lancelot, Main frame, Pyro, Saban, Ticker, Titanium, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 8

FNG Names: Titanium, Main Frame, Abacus, Coco, Saban, Ticker, Enforcer, Bone Crusher

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Cold day for FL, around 43..  But great day for a VAO.  Welcome to The Watchtower!


Disclaimer was announced and 5 Core Principles shared.

  • Free of charge
  • Open to all men
  • Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust


Before the Mozy,   Word for the Day.


2 Corinthian 5:17 – “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!”


Warm o Rama twice around parking lot, Mozy + High Knees + Butt Kickers + Side Shuffle Right, Side Shuffle Left


We then cycled up and had a Cadence demonstration.  We do cadence because it Creates Rhythm, Builds Teamwork and Sounds Cool.  Explained the parts of Cadence

  1. Next Exercise is
  2. Starting PositionsMove
  3. In Cadence …..  Exercise

We then proceeded to do 10:

  1. SSH – Jumping Jacks
  2. Strawberry Pickers – Bent Over floor taps
  3. Salsa Dips – Squats
  4. Monkey Humpers
  5. Mountain Climbers
  6. Merkins – Push Ups
  7. Swipers – Modified Leg Lifts


Motto.  Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him”


Now for the grind.  D.O.R.A – PAX in groups of 2, Pax were paired up with an FNG and:

  1. 34 Swipers
  2. 100 Merkins
  3. 200 Mountain Climbers
  4. 300 Monkey Humpers
  5. 400 Salsa Dips

Run 50 ft to cone and back


2 Corinthians 5:17 = 1034 “The old has gone, the new is here!”


Count o Rama 19 PAX.  Welcome Julianne from F3 Oak Park plus 8 FNGs!


I then shared the worst kept secret of F3, that F3 is a Workout group disguised as a Leadership development Group.  Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.


Name o Rama, 19 PAX!  Welcome FNG, Coco, Abacus, Saban, Ticker, Enforce, Titanium, Bone Crusher, and MainFrame.




Prayers and praises were shared.  For this special occasion we closed out with a prayer written by our own F3Suncoast Condenser taking in the 5 core principals.


Father, this morning we ask that you propel the mission of F3 around the nation and locally within in our community. We come together and state our values before you, that you would be blessed by our intentions and make clear our motivation.


We will always be FREE

Just like grace, there is no cost other than the sacrifice of what others have laid down before us. We ask that you bless them and bless our endeavors to grow and strengthen this circle. May our passion be invigorated, and our souls be overwhelmed with joy from the fruits of our labor.

We will always be OPEN TO ALL MEN

We know this is not only central to our mission; it’s also central to your heart. We are grateful for every man in this circle. As leaders in our communities, we are not content with the status quo. We are not OK with the hurt, the division, the hatred, and the animosity between our fellow humans. Today, we boldly declare that this circle will grow, not only in numbers, but also in love and unity and diversity. We declare this circle will be open to every man in our communities – including men of every ethnicity, economic status, education level and age. We welcome all kinds of men because we are better with them.

We will always be held OUTDOORS

even in adversarial conditions. As creator, you have designed our bodies to be strengthened through adversity. Trials and temptations are not more than we can endure. Therefore, Lord, we pray not for tranquility, nor that our tribulations may cease; We pray that through grace and love, you grant us strength and courage to overcome.


We will be LED BY PEERS

You call us all to be part of a family, to a brotherhood which holds each other accountable. To help grow one another and advance the visions you set before them. Give us strength to love our brothers, impart wisdom and understanding, and give encouragement to each brother whom you have commissioned for change.


We will come together, in a Circle of Trust

To give respect to one another and honor you. Where two or more are gathered, we take time to enter your peace as we kneel before you and pause our souls. We bring before you, and each other, our petitions and praises and wait to receive your presence.


We are grateful for F3 and the ability to be here. One day we will not be able to do this, but today is not that day. So, Father, Accelerate every man in this circle today. Inspire him, fill him, mold him, and develop him into a High Impact Man. This we pray together, Amen.

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