AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 03/23/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Clutch, Condenser, Goob, Lancelot, Papa Smurf, Rapino, SnapShot, Steel, Wormy,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- a beautiful 60 degree morning with light wind and humidity

At promptly 5:15:23 (due to the conclusion of an entertaining story from Wormy’s honeymoon), Goob called the workout to order with the reciting of the 5 core principles and forewarning those PAX in attendance that modification may be necessary.  With that warning at hand and the realization that their were no FNG’s, the mozy began in the parking lot but would end at the bottom of the tower.

The warmup-

  • Mozy with butt kickers, high knees, NUR, and carioca both directions
  • 15 SSH IC
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers IC
  • Leg stretches
  • Agitators
  • Michael Phelps
  • Arm Circles

The Thang- many of you know I am a simple man with a simple brain.  With that in mind the workout would be simple.  3 sets of 11’s would be the task at hand.   The twist?   We have at our disposal a perfectly good tower with numerous floors and ledges for pull-ups so why not use them?!  Also, our backs don’t get targeted nearly enough so for a thorough full body beat down, it was time to work.  The instructions were given again and the direction of modifying if necessary was rehashed just in the event it would be needed.

  1. LBC’s on the ground floor and Pull-ups on the Bing deck (ledge of stairs or a rail as modifier)
  2. Gas Pumps on the ground floor and Carolina Dry Docks on the third floor (two full flights of stairs)
  3. American Hammers on the ground floor and Merkins on the fourth floor (three full flights of stairs)

Although no one completed the full cycle, everyone had a solid beating of core, legs/cardio, and upper body.  Be sure to drink your Ovaltine today and replenish the machine you helped build this morning.


  1. Raider Run at Bayside this Saturday.  TODAY, Tuesday the 23rd, is the last day for online sign up with T-shirt
  2. Gator Wilderness run in April
  3. Sup-N-Run in May
  4. Grow Ruck May 14th-16th


  • The beautiful morning and the ability to work out our minds and bodies
  • Strong men and fathers that have created enough trust in children to seek them out when hurting (special shout out to Condenser and Crabcakes)


  • Anne, Papa Smurf’s sister, in the hospital for alcohol poisoning
  • All those facing addictions in every variety
  • David, Snapshot’s brother-in-law, as he deals with cancer (the entire family as well)
  • Ben, Goob’s friend, still fighting stage 4 lung cancer
  • Condenser and Crabcakes 2.0’s as they battle some mental struggles
  • All those battling mental illness
  • Police, firefighters, first responders, military, and teachers

As always, it was a blessing to lead.  Win the day!


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