AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 04/20/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Clutch, Condenser, Dasani, Goob, Rapino, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

At 5:13:34am, Goob ran back into the parking lot with plenty of time to spare.  At that moment, there was still no Q so he decided to rerun a not so oldie, definitely not much of a goodie, and more of a suckie.  At 5:14:50am, Steel walked up and probably wished he wouldn’t have.  Exactly 10 seconds later, Goob welcomed the PAX, recited the 5 core principles while changing shoes on the parking lot ground, and requested that someone lead the PAX on a mozy.  Clutch stayed behind and lamented his new injury and Goob not to be one-upped, discussed his as well.

Once the other 5 PAX returned from the mozy, Goob demanded all should follow him to the base of the tower.  Prior to the setup, they took a solid 5-7 minutes to stretch, perform SSH IC, Strawberry Pickers IC, Windmills IC, Michael Phelps, agitators, and arm circles.  With the boring out of the way, Goob described that he isn’t much on celebrating birthdays but seeing as how he was a last minute site Q doing his duty, everyone could relieve a modified version of his sucky 40th birthday beatdown.  The basic principle- 40 of an exercise, followed by a jailbreak, plank for the six, and repeat until 6am.   It took until approximately the second trip up the stairs for the chatter to turn to either stark silence/panting or anger/ill-will spewing towards Goob.  Dasani provided some sage advice halfway through the beatdown when he said, “nothing good comes from being comfortable.”  Wise words amidst panting, leg fatigue, and light-headedness.

The Thang-

  • 40 Merkins, jailbreak
  • 40 dead bugs, jailbreak
  • 40 Carolina Dry Docks, jailbreak
  • 40 LBC’s, jailbreak
  • 40 back rows/modified pull-ups, jailbreak
  • 40 Imperial walkers, jailbreak
  • 40 tricep dips, jailbreak
  • 40 Plank jacks

In lieu of the final jailbreak with 4 and a half minutes until 6, and with the aforementioned jelly legs and light-headedness, Goob called an audible with a round of Mary’s until 6am.  It was official, that rerun sucked.


  1. Gator Wilderness run this weekend
  2. Sup n’ Run May 1st
  3. GrowRuck May 12-14
    1. Friday night party open to all
    2. Saturday morning beatdown open to all at AP
    3. GrowRuck study at Bayside for a small fee open to all
    4. Rucking all night for the maniacs
      1. Stagecoach, Snapshot, and others are chaperoning if you would like to join


  1. Carl, Dasani’s friend, dropped dead last week, was revived, and is back to jogging this week.  Praise God.
  2. David, Snapshot’s brother-in-law, had his WBCs placed back into his body and is in a quarantine/wait-and-see phase of his fight against cancer.
  3. Ben, Goob’s friend, started a 3rd experimental trial to fight his cancer today.
  4. Our country as we continue to fight Covid, racism, and one another for a myriad of reasons.
  5. Our first responders, caregivers, hospital employees, and all those that serve in any capacity.
  6. Our injured brothers.

It was an honor men.  Until the next crappy rerun, Goob is out.

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