AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 03/03/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Crabcakes, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Pincher, Posh, Spinal Tap, Trump, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

Perfect mid 50 degree temps to start the day.

The Pre-Blast informed those willing to attend that today would be a workout focused on speedwork.  In fact, today was going to be a Lactate Threshold run.  Lactate Lactate Lactate

Apparently the word Lactate can even attract the occasional runner to the slack channel as we were gifted a visit by Condenser and his fondness of the word Lactate.

Okay….enough about Lactate

At 0515 the PAX started off together for a 1 mile warm up run from the parking lot to the fountain…..those attempting the LT run stopped at the fountain and prepared their watches for the endeavor.  Those not participating were encouraged to push their pace while running the figure 8 loop.  All agreed to meet back at the parking lot somewhere between 0605-0610 for COT.

4 attempted the LT challenge and I believe all 4 watches failed to capture a threshold.  This is certainly a run I’d like to complete again at one of the local high school tracks in the very near future during daylight.

Distances ranged from 4.75 to somewhere around 9.


Props looking for volunteers this weekend at Robinson Preserve to help staff a table Sat 8:30-1:30 details on mumblechatter

CAT-5 looking for assistance in setting up and breaking down tables and chairs Sarasota Baptist Church.  Details on Mumblechatter

Raider Rise and Run 3/12.  Sign up under events tab

Gator Wilderness 4/16

Sup/Run 5K 4/30

WildPax November

Discussion on Ragnar Trail run……..Gridlock has an Ultra team spot available…….Spinal Tap and Pincher expressed interest in regular team


Enron eye is healed and quick sale of home

Shamwow one more round of meds then follow up appointment early next week

Mrs. Doubtfire Surgery tomorrow

People of Ukraine and those being impacted around the world by the current situation


Thanks for coming out this morning…….11 is better than 10.  Next week we go after Bing’s 6.2 mile loop time



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