AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 09/28/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bluegrass, Condenser, Hardhat, Papa Smurf, Sea Lion, SnapShot, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Condenser

The BackBlast:

I picked this up last minute as the schedule QIC had legitimate abruption. But hey, here it goes.

on the move warmup. A mosey west across the bridge, stopping along the way to feed the mosquitos. bugged out and over to the playground.

two rounds of exercises on the equipment, each AMRAP for 60 seconds. exercises consisted of pull ups, plank extensions on the swing set, decline merkins or plank on the springy toy thing, laying back row style pull ups on the rope climb.

on our sixes round of Merry, ending with a brutal 30-60-90 count.

mosey back towards the tower. stopped at the top of bridge for some rail holding squat planks. on we went, an extended up the hill NUR. continued mosey to the bas of the tower.

did the tower “CONDENSER STYLE”: first flight touching every step. second flight touching every other step. third flight skipping two steps. fourth flight touching every step. resting at the landing before the two flight straight – then non stop all out finish to the top.  ..feel the burn and plank it out for the six.

finished out with another 30-60-90

good workout, good to see Sea Lion and HardHat out again!

GOOB and DeFib were out marathon prepping as well.

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