AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 04/26/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bubbles, Condenser, Goob, Papa Smurf, Sea Lion, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- actually asked, “I wonder how much longer we’ll get this weather?”  Needless to say, it was nice.

At precisely 5:15am, Goob fresh off a pre-run and recognizing all grizzled F3 faces, called for order with the recited the 5 core values.  Water bottles were recommended to be carried along as we mozied to the Astro turf area on the other side of the UTC area to explore our future options.  This rectangular area provided nice cushion for our backsides, was well lit, and came with a port-o-potty.  The PAX circled up and warmed up with 10 SSH IC, 10 Windmills IC, leg stretches down each leg, arm circles OYO, and Michael Phelps OYO.  Not wanting to delay any longer, instructions were barked and the beating was underway.

The Thang:

The PAX were to start at one corner of the Astro turf and perform the prescribed exercise.  From there, they would run to the next corner and repeat, in all 4 corners.  The caveat- this would be a stacked beat down so get your chest, arms, and core ready.

  • 5 merkins
  • 10 squats
  • 15 LBC’s
  • 20 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 25 Calf raises
  • 30 Flutter Kicks (count 1 leg)
  • 35 Overhead Claps
  • 40 high knees (count 1 leg)

After the 3rd round, the PAX were instructed to drop the 5 merkins at each corner.  That applause came to a screeching halt and was met by 20 wide arm merkins (as stated above).  After the 4th round, drop the squats and so on and so forth.  Condenser stated that he didn’t want to get top heavy citing his excessive manliness and having a chest that already explodes out of his shirts. By the time overhead claps arrived, folks were delirious and citing a lack of feeling in their arms.  Bubbles finished the beating by stating a Joey classic, “I would pee on you if you needed me to.”  There’s your title boys at the flagship turf beating.  We mozied back to the parking lot at Dillard’s and circled up.


  • Sup-N-Run 5K at NBP
  • St. Anthony’s Tri on Sunday
  • NBP is currently not available to us so meet at Dillard’s on Tuesday and Thursday until further notice


  • The accountability and brotherhood we all enjoy with F3.
  • Sea Lion requests wisdom and discernment through corporate layoffs at work as he leads people
  • Condenser has been fighting a bad back (and the extreme desire for CSAUP activities)

Always a blessing fellas,



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