AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 09/10/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bing, Cornhole, Cottontail, Crabcakes, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Manziel, Pincher, Posh, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Yamaha

The BackBlast:

Weather… It’s Florida…

YHC is working through a injury, so two alternate workouts were proposed. An even pace workout, as well as an interval plan. I guess everyone felt the same as me, as no one elected the interval plan. 🙂

Paces were varied, and as such, so were the routes. Everyone did make it back…. Although, some were later than others. 🙂


  • 9-11 Beatdown at NBP. Meet at Dillards at 8am


  • Prayers for Fireballs 2.0

Great to be back out!


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