AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 06/17/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Crabcakes, Defib, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Gridlock, Maui, Pincher, Trump, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- don’t look at the Name-O-Rama as we were all glistening from the humidity

YHC showed up early to set up for the day’s run only to learn that 2/3rds of the tube of glow sticks he had purchased just the night before were faulty.  Upon his return to the parking lot, YHC saw two vacant cars and knew the 2 perpetrators, Defib and Gridlock, were off and running.  At 5:15am sharp, with 12 PAX in attendance, Goob explained that he was showing the ultimate respect to Enron’s Q just two weeks prior by ripping it off, completely.  There really was no change nor creativity, just rinse and repeat- don’t mess with perfection.


The fate of the 12 who showed up- 1 figure 8 loop in the neighborhood at a comfortable speed.  2 complete bridge repeats as time allowed.  The bridge repeats had a twist though- at the base of the bridge a glow stick bracelet marked the “sprint” line.  Sprint from glow stick to glow stick, easy pace/recovery pace at the top of the bridge, and sprint down the backside of the bridge.  Turn around and repeat in the opposite direction, X2.  Simple, yet daunting.


Along the run many things were discussed and/or listened to- Goob’s hatred of all things Apple products, Gridlock’s death metal playing, countless stories, and the coup de gra, Crabcakes story that ended in, “Dad, you’re such a pscyhopath.”  That was the winner of the morning and a truly classic line- dad jokes for the win.  If you wanna know, post next time.  Various distances between 4 to 9 miles were run.  All men present bettered themselves today.



  1. 2nd F- Wednesday, June 30th, Ford’s Garage at UTC.  New location, good fellowship, and stories you don’t want to miss out on.  HC by Friday, June 18th.
  2. Skunk Ape Marathon/Half/5K- Nine HIM are committed to run.  Come join the fun!


  1. AnnMarie, Gridlock’s M, was diagnosed with Hoshimoto’s Disease.  With the proper meds, she should be regulated soon and back to good.  Praises up for God handling that situation and prayers up so that God will continue to handle her illness.
  2. Goob’s buddy Ben, cancer diagnosis has taken a turn for the worse.  Stabbing pains causing “emergency” chemo treatments and very dark talk is reason for concern. Prayers for him, his boys, wife, and family.
  3. Goob’s father-in-law has dementia that has progressed for the worse significantly lately.  Prayers for his M, his mother-in-law, and the family as they navigate his illness.
  4. Trump with an amazing call out of praise- It’s not always easy to get up early and drive somewhere to push yourself and work out.  Trump said despite that, it is a blessing to be able to work out.  Don’t take it for granted.


Guys, it was true pleasure this morning.  I slept poorly and was in a bit of a dark place all yesterday and even more so this morning.  Had I not been Q, I may have listened to the call of the fart sack.  My duties forced me out of bed this morning and I am so glad.  The conversation was positive, the brotherhood was real, and the COT was uplifting.  Thank each and every one of you for the push this morning.  And for those who reached out afterwards sensing my struggle this morning, thank you.  So humbled and honored to be your brother.

Til next time, Goob is signing off.

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