AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 05/06/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bing, Crabcakes, Goob, Manziel, Pincher, Posh, Spinal Tap, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

At 5:09am, Bing and Pincher rolled in the parking lot and before the car was in park, Bing had the door open seemingly ready to make his glorious return to running.  Over the course of the next couple of minutes, Pincher had emerged, several additional cars had rolled in the parking lot, Goob was playing dead on the smoldering hot pavement (YES, it was exceptionally warm for 5 something in the morning), and Bing was still in his car, but the door was open.  Anyhoo, some chatter occurred, Bing got out of the car, and Pincher asked who was running the show.

5:15am- Goob proclaimed it was his shindig today and was met with a couple audible groans.  As he pointed towards the bridge and deemed the run to be ruck friendly for Manziel and Trump, a couple of more groans were released.  Not to worry though, today would not be a bridge repeat day.  Today, we tackled Waterlefe at a comfortable pace, through the 99.8% humidity (and perhaps it was just clouds), with only 1 challenge issued.  When approaching the 3 speed limit signs posted in the neighborhood, a sprint was suggested- try to raise your mph by 5.  If you were greeted by a 7mph, get to 12.  Spinal Tap took the challenge very seriously and was able to get a 15 on the first try, a 16 on the second, and a 17mph on the final sprint.  That is pretty impressive, even if it was pointed out that both Patrick Hardiman and Tyreke Hill of the Kansas City Chiefs top out around 22mph.

On the final push, Pincher was at the front of the PAX and led YHC all the way in.  Pincher is quite fast these days guys, watch out.  Running well at mile 6 and rumor has it that he pushed through 3 more upon his return home.  All in all, we had several ruckers return to running form, 2 ruckers still rucking, and some great conversation throughout.


  1. GrowRuck- May 14th is the kickoff BBQ, May 15th at 7am is the King Builder beat down at AP,  the Grow School is at Bayside at 9am, and that evening is the culminating 12 hour ruck


  1. Bing’s mother-in-law fell and is not doing well.  As a result, his M is struggling with the realization that her parents are aging.
  2. Crabcakes- his mother-in-law is not dealing with her illness well, needs help, and moreover, the peace to move towards her next phase of life.  His M is also having to deal with the fallout.
  3. Pincher- Shrapnel and his M got Covid and are finally on the mend.
  4. Manziel- his M is dealing with some work issues and a potential career change.
  5. Posh- praise alert- quit drinking in January and is 4 months dry.
  6. Spinal Tap- his M’s relationship with her mother is toxic so prayers for healing there.
  7. Trump- praise alert- back on the wagon and working out with his brothers.
  8. Goob- his M has a toxic work environment and is seeking prayers for her.

Always a pleasure boys.  Thanks for the push!

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