AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 01/18/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bluegrass, Dasani, Nomad, Rapino, SnapShot, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

52° and breezy in this gloom.
5 core principles and disclaimer were given.   A second disclaimer was given that today’s workout would be a burpee free zone.  Although if anyone wanted to do them, he could modify.
We started with some stretching then a mozey down to the tower through the walkway.

The Thang:
We would start at the bottom of the tower, level 1 with the recommended excercise then move to level 2 and so on.  Once at the top we would head back down, doing the prescribed excersice at each level.  Then back up to the top, were we would end up with a round of 100 merkins.

Level 1: 150 Overhead Claps
Level 2: 140 LBC
Level 3: 130 Moraccan Night Clubs
Level 4: 120 Squats
Level 5: 110 American Hammers
Level 6: 100 Merkins
Level 5: 90 Strawberry Pickers
Level 4: 80 Shoulder Taps -Single
Level 3: 70 Side Straddle Hops
Level 2: 60 Imperial Walkers
Level 1: 50 Mountain Climbers
Level 2: 40 Carolina Drydocks
Level 3: 30 Windmills
Level 4: 20 30-60-90
Level 5: 10 Foxholes
Level 6: 100 Merkins in the Round
Time prevented all of us from completing all levels, but we did the merkins in the round to finish at 6:00.

Announcements: 2nd F at Oak and stone January 25th 6 o’clock-ish. Bridge A Life Superhero 5K run February 5th at Benderson Park.  Sarasota County Farm Bureau Clay Shoot January 29th, contact Sniper.

Prayers: Nomads M Melissa’s heart condition, Spartan’s X M with Covid
Disani’s friends father with cancer, and upcoming new job and relocation.

Praises: thank you God for allowing us all to be out here to make ourselves better.

On a side note, tomorrow marks YHCs rebirth.  21 years ago I had quadruple heart bypass surgery.  I want to thank you all for helping me better myself these past almost four years.

Always a pleasure to lead this group.
SnapShot  📸

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