AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 06/19/2023


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bernie, Big Mac, Blade Runner, Brutus, Callahan, Groot, Kotter, Manning, Manziel, Pork Roll, Sir Wallace, Spamalot, Thor,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pork Roll

The BackBlast:

Date: June 19, 2023 / Monday AO: Meatgrinder (formerly Dixie Land) QIC: Pork Roll

The Thang:

Our Monday 05:15 meet at the Meatgrinder was in honor of our brother Pusher, who unfortunately couldn’t make it. Nevertheless, the PAX gathered for a challenging routine now enshrined as “The Pusher.”

The Pusher involved a grueling combination of squats and running. We kicked off with 21 squats, followed by a 165-yard sprint, then 20 squats and another run. This punishing routine continued, decreasing the squat count by one each round, all the way down to a solitary squat and one final run.

The first finishers moved on to a Slam Ball. Their task was to perform 10 slam ball exercises and then hit the 165-yard run again. As more PAX completed The Pusher, they joined in, cycling between slam balls and runs.

To cap off the workout, we spent the last 10 minutes drawing from the F3-branded playing cards for random exercises. A special mention goes to Brutus for drawing Bear Crawls, a particularly brutal addition to our already tough beatdown. We also squeezed in calf raises, oblique crunches, and a few other arduous movements.


Today’s beatdown was a tribute to the tenacity and the spirit of our absent brother, Pusher. The Pusher is now a new, challenging benchmark in our PAX routine, which can be modified as future Qs see fit. The intense combination of squats, running, slam balls, and wildcard exercises from the F3 deck left no room for comfort. Great effort from all the PAX today.


In addition to the upcoming June Fellowship Night at Ed’s Tavern, the Beach Day organized by Big Mac, and the sunset ruck trip led by Bubbles, Manziel mentioned an upcoming beer event for Alzheimer’s this Wednesday. Please reach out to Manziel for more information about this event.

Prayers were once again sent out to Ripken for healing and to all PAX in need.

Today’s COT also marked a special moment: the changing of the guard for the Site Q of the Meatgrinder. Airwolf handed over his responsibilities to Bernie. We thank Airwolf for his leadership and welcome Bernie to his new role.

Once again, gentlemen, well done today. Stay strong and see you all soon.

AYE! Pork Roll

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