AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 02/01/2022


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Abacus, Bing, Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Coco, Cool-J, Coqui, Main frame, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Saban, Sweet Pepper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

YHC had no intentions to Q this gloom, but the forces of persuasion was turn on YHC this time…It was requested with a bit of a bribe I might add for a change in plans. Since one did hold up his end of the deal by showing to Ride Friday at NBP and then also showing for the EC pre-run at the Hamer loop. To YHC surprise we had two followers both Cool-J and Coqui HC’ed to the pre-run and the BD at the watch tower, seems like persuasion can be contagious, but in a good way of course. After the pre-run we all 5 went on to the Watchtower to lay down the BD.

Of course we started with the usual Mosey warm up and then some exercises in cadence, where YHC asked Bing to explain the importance of why we do cadence.

With the AO being new YHC figured it would be best to keep it simple and show all the PAX a few easy ways to Q.


  • Dora- 100 Merkins, 200 Salsa Dips (squats), 300 LBC. This Dora was with a twist though. YHC had brought both Punisher bags 80 and 60 pounders. The first group to finish a full set had to take the 80, then the second to take the 60 for the run portion of the Dora. The idea was to slow the faster groups down a bit and let the 6 catch up a bit.
  • 4 Corners, 10 Burpees, why not as MABA was still in affect and so it seemed fitting. Next set was 10 BIG BOYS.
  • 7’s, Hammers and Flutter kicks.

Always a pleasure, thanks for the persuasion BladeRunner, Pincher Out

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