AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 07/28/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Big Mac, Fireball, Flaco, Rapino, Ratchet, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Ratchet

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

80°, humid, and a couple of Buck deer watching us.

YHC put out the call for more PAX to give the Bee Hive a try this week.   And who would appear but Fireball, Big Mac, and Spartan, welcome.

After the five core principles and disclaimer were given, we took off on our mosey aroumd the pasking lot and stopped for some SSH, Strawberry Pickers, and Michael Phelps.  We then headed to the starting spot for our beatdown.

The Thang.
There were six stations arranged in a circle, set up with three excercises at each station.  We would spin a bottle and do the excercises that the bottle pointed to.  The  PAX were instructed when the bottle pointed to their station, each was to lead the excercise in cadence.   After the two excersises, we did a lap around one of the parking islands.  When we got back, the last pax that lead was to spin the bottle for the next pair of excercises.
The exercises included:
20 Bobby Hurley’s
30 squats squats
30 overhead claps
25 Imperial walkers
15 Moroccan nightclub each leg
20 Carolina drydocks
20 monkey humpers
20 Freddie Mercury’s
25 mountain climbers
30 60 90 for 1 minute                       30 side straddle hops
20 dying cockroaches
20 flutter kicks
20 strawberry pickers
20 big boy setups
20 merkins
20 heels to heaven
20 windmills
25 American hammers
20 toy soldiers
30LB c’s
20 Apollo onos
20 crab jacks
1 minute Al Gore Tree Hugger

The timing was perfect as we ended right on time.

Welcome to Jack Lyon,  Ratchet.  He was an FNG that went un-named last week.

Announcements: Laps for Life 5k Oct. 8th Siesta Beach.  Wild Pax, see Stagecoach.  Ragnar, see Fireball.
I wanted to start a coffeteria this week, but thi m gs did not work out for all.  So next week we will be meeting at the Race Trac by I-75 after the beatdowns.

Prayers: Ratchet and his new job and life reconciliation.   SnapShots mother in law went back into the hospital last night.  All PAX

Praises for all who got out and started the day as we did.

Always a pleasure to lead.

SnapShot 📸

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