AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 04/15/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, Enron, Goob, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

At 5:14am, Pincher asked, “who’s in charge of this?”.  Goob spoke up and Pincher’s response was “great. bridge repeats.”  At 5;15, Goob revealed that Pincher was indeed correct.  With mostly only ruckers in attendance, the ruckers decided to do what they do- ruck.  Enron teamed up with YHC and decided to run.  In all, 5 rucked the bridge 1.5 times and the runners ran it 3 times as a solid pace.


  1. Gator wilderness run
  2. Sup-N’-run
  3. Grow Ruck
    1. Friday night’s party is OPEN to all.  It will be a party of sorts to celebrate.
    2. Saturday morning’s beatdown at AP is OPEN to all.
    3. The Growth portion is available to attend separately if you choose for a nominal fee
    4. See StageCoach’s post on need for help along the Ruck path that Saturday night


  1. BigMac praises the PAX for always making him (and all men) feel welcome
  2. Yamaha’s father had knee surgery and then subsequently, sepsis.
  3. Bing’s family (Amy, specifically)
  4. Enron’s son
  5. Goob’s friend Ben as he continues to battle cancer
  6. Mr. Clean’s children have some large disagreements and are struggling to coexist
  7. Praise to Pincher for reaching out to multiple guys feeling “left behind” and bringing them back into the fellowship

Always a privalege guys.


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