AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 12/05/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Fireball, Mrs. Doubtfire, Pincher, Rapino, Ripken, Spamalot, Spartan, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

5 core principles given and there was a pre blast warning to those on Slack that this wouldn’t be much of a mumble chatter BD. We are in the Gloom for a reason, push yourself outside that comfort zone. 1st F is FITNESS, get 45min of it, IRON sharpens IRON

Mosey: High Knees, Butt Kickers, Skips, Nurr.

Warmarama: SSH, Imperial Walkers, LBC

Thang: Dora: 100 Burpees: 200 Pinch Grip Upright Row: 300 Squats

Punisher weight options: 25 lb, 45 lb, 60 lb, 80 lb.

Dora Twist: 

First group to finish Burpees gets to pick their weight, (Can’t stay the same), for Pinch Grip Upright Row *Each other group moves to the right to the next weight.

Last group to finish gets choice to switch, (Can’t stay the same) *Each other group moves to the right to the next weight.

Rinse and repeat for all 3 sets, first group to finish picks weight, last group to finish gets to change it up.

RUN between sidewalks (totaled about 2-2.5 miles for most), SSH until the 6 is in.

Last team to complete left 10 min to spare, so we finished with 7’s (Burpee and LBC)

Annoucments: Check VMA channel lots to do there to lead by example for the next generation

Prayers for: Rip as he releases a employee, Mrs Doubtfire for home front struggles, Spartans friend Flip, and for Lancelot’s quick healing.

As always a pleasure PAX, thank you! Pincher Out, till next time.

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