AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 10/15/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bing, Crabcakes, Goob, Lobstah, Manziel, Pincher, Posh,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:



Posh and Lobstah rolled in to the parking lot at 5:14:18 this fine gloom and by the time their feet hit the ground, they had 14 seconds to stretch- it was going to be good.  YHC asked the PAX if they wanted 5 or 6 miles this morning.  The Pax groaned and mumbled something to the effect of “you’re the Q, you decide.”  That utterance cost them dearly as Goob immediately replied 6.  The chatter was great and some walls fell as Lobstah completed his first 6 mile run while Pincher shaved time of his previous 6 mile run and a few beats off his previous HR.  Great job brothers.

As for the title, stone crab season began today.  Go get you some at Pinchers.


  • Give to Give
  • Rowdy’s friend house demo/rebuild on Oct 25th
  • Manziel’s Alzheimer’s virtual 5K
  • Outlaw Trail Run on Monday, Oct 21st


  • Posh’s family in the UK
  • Pincher’s continued healthy recovery
  • Manziel’s kids transition to new school
  • Crabcakes/Fishsticks
  • Lobstah- home schooling getting better
  • Bing/Emilia- 17 year old struggles, anxiety, pressure
  • Goob/kids- to be more patient

*The theme of our prayers became our kids and our roles as fathers.  Father God, give us patience and guide us to be the earthly father to our children that they need.

Thanks for the run boys, I always enjoy them.


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