AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 04/14/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Crabcakes, Curds, Fireball, Gridlock, Mighty Mouse, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Trump, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Gridlock

The BackBlast:

Weather: 69F, 85% humidity, perfect morning for some up-tempo running.

Welcome: After a quick EC warm-up, YHC greeted the pax with the 5 core principles and obligatory disclaimer along with a quick summary of the plan.

The Thang: North loop was the destination with a 1-mile-ish warm-up and then commenced 4-5 intervals where .7 miles was run at roughly 10K race pace followed by .3 miles of recovery, rinse and repeat until the northern loop was completed.

All told, the pax laid down some nice paces. Trump was especially motivated today, to the point of referring to himself in the 3rd person as a “little bee-yatch”. Hey, whatever it takes to motivate. Cottontail decided he need 2 EC miles and then found himself in the hurt locker after realizing the northern loop is roughly a 10K. Nevertheless, Crabcakes formed a search party and found him, leading Cottontail down the bunny trail. As fate would have it, given that Sunday is Easter, Cottontail played his part perfectly.

Announcements: San Antonio group ride, Wildpax, Sup n Run, St Anthony’s Tri

Prayer Requests / Praises: Shamwow’s Dr appointment, Fireball’s son’s situation, Crabcake’s MIL and Spinal Tap’s M.

It was fun,


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