AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 08/12/2022


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Condenser, Cottontail, Deep Dish, Fireball, Mrs. Doubtfire, Olympus, Pork Roll, Pyro, Sir Wallace, Sonic Boom, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

One of the worst kept secrets of F3 is that most of our workouts are shoulder intensive.  VERY intensive.  YHC likes to shake things up from time to time.  Thus this morning, it was time for a core workout.

As the true crazy Pax were finishing up with Sir Wallace’s insane Bad Clown workout, it was time to gather.

Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles stated


Warm o Rama

Plank Jacks


Heels to Heaven

Alt. Shoulder Taps

Nolan Ryans

Low Dolly

High Dolly

All IC, all x 12


Bodies (hit the floor) – Drowning Pool

Get into plank position.  Everytime you hear “let the bodies hit the floor” – do a donkey kick

Everytime you hear a number, perform a merkin

3:21 of pure joy.  Sonic Boom knew this song.



Partner up.  Non exercising partner – mosey to other end of “grassy” area.


100 Big Boy Sit ups

200 low flutters (flutter kicks) – count R leg only

300 mountain climbers – count R leg only


Ring of Fire (Guantanamo Bay)

Get into a circle and then lay down, with our feet pointing outward.

Pax all raise their legs to 60 degrees (or so).

First Pax gets up and moves around perimeter of circle, pushing the legs down as he passes.  Pax try to keep their legs up.

When Pax returns to his starting point, the next pax gets up and so on.


Baba O’Riley

We all know this song.  But have you ever done Imperial Storm Walkers for the full 5 minutes of this song?  Well, we did today.  Hello hip flexors.


Time for some Mary!

SSH, arm circles forward, arm circles reverse, seal claps, overhead claps, strawberry pickers, windmill (abe vigoda style), squats.  All IC, all x 10





Thanks to all for indulging YHC this morning.  Not sure if it was sufficient, but there appeared to be a minimum amount of MC.

TClaps to Pyro for the partner work!

Marginally less humid this morning.

War Daddy – Spartan

War Baby – Sonic Boom/Pork Roll

Bing, Cottontail, Fireball, Clutch and Olympus rode their tricycles, and joined for COT.

VMA – Brutus is lining up opportunities for us to lead.  Join the channel on Slack and get involved.

Wild Pax – Sign up now before price goes up to $275

Q schedule for the rest of the year is open.  Go and grab some dates and lead!



Cottontail’s M

Chillipepper’s BIL

2.0s – TClaps for Brutus’ son who registered for classes at 2:20am??!!

Very excited for my son as he is about to start college

Fireball and family

F3 Expansion


YHC took us out.


Good group then headed over to Maple Street for Coffeeteria!


Thanks for the opportunity.  Brutus – I left the keys in the middle of the round about on Cattleman Road.


Have a great day and weekend!







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