AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 04/27/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Big Mac, Dasani, Goob, Rapino, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 6

FNG Names:

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:

Weather: 65
Humidity: Mild

YHC rolled in at 5:00 and snapshort shortly thereafter. I had forgotten that I picked up the Q early last week so I did some quick brainstorming as the pax rolled in at 5:15 approached.

5 Core Principles
Men only
Not Free
Lead in rotating fashion
Ends in COT

Mosi time!
Quick parking lot mosi and then we circled up for some hamstring stretches and michael phelps.

Off to the tower to inflict pain.
As YHC was developing this Q on the fly, I remembered something I had heard this past week on a podcast. Something to the effect of:
…Being a monster or a beast is not bad. You SHOULD be a beast. But the true strength is being capable of being a beast and knowing how to CONTROL it. That is when physical and mental toughness meet.

So on that note, the phrase B.E.A.S.T M.O.D.E came to mind. We would do an excerise for eat letter of B.E.A.S.T M.O.D.E
A set of reps at the bottom, then run up to the BING deck (2nd floor) and repeat the rep count or as many as specified. Back down and a new excerise…rinse and repeat. The excerises were as follows:

25x Big Boy Sit Ups (modified this halfway thorugh)
20x Excile Merkins
Aiken Legs (20x squats, 20x lunges, 20x plank jacks)
30x Side Straddle Hops (in cadence)
25x Tricep Dips (Thank you for the sugggestion Goob)
20x Merkins
30x Overhead Claps
25x Dry Docks…of the Carolina variety
Escalator (10x Squats  20xLBC’s, 30x Big Boy Situps

Goob  joined between the Big Boys and the Excile Merkins.

With a few minutes left we went up to the BING deck for 50x Rows on the railing and finsihed the final 3 minutes with a Round of Mary.

Sup n Run
Grow Ruck

Praises: we’re here!
Prayers: David – Snapshots BIL , Ben Goob’s friend, as well as a family at Recall’s church.

Thank you for posting gentlemen. Always a pleasure!

Dasani out






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