AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 06/07/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Barron, Bubbles, Cavallino, Drake, Goob, Lobstah, Posh, Pudge, Stagecoach, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

MopTop also in attendance……..


YHC arrived at 0455 to find one car in the parking lot…..Goob was off running somewhere.  YHC proceeded to set up for today’s Q by placing the appropriate AMRAP signs in either the Echo Chamber or Under the Pavilion.  As YHC was setting up the slow trickle of headlights started to fill the AP parking lot.   No new faces but some faces that haven’t been seen in a while…..

At 0515 YHC stated the 5 core principles and led the pax on a two lap mosey around the AP parking lot.  Mosey consisted of High Knees, Butt Kickers, Nur, Carioca to both sides.

The PAX then circled up for COP in the parking lot.  COP consisted of the following exercises all done IC


Strawberry Pickers-7


Seal Claps-7

YHC then moved the PAX under the pavilion and reviewed the first AMRAP of the day……

19 Minutes

20 of the following:


Triceps Dip

Carolina Drydocks

Incline Merkins

Overhead Claps

Pole Pullups-Find a support beam in the pavilion, place your feet at the base and hands around the back…lean back and pull yourself forward to the pole

Lap around parking Lot

Rinse and repeat until time expired…..

Majority of PAX completed at least 3 full rounds.

As time expired on the first AMRAP, YHC instructed the PAX to grab their water bottles and head to the Echo Chamber for the 2nd part of Leg Day.

Once in the echo chamber, YHC reviewed the 2nd 19 minute AMRAP

25 Count


Flutter Kicks-count 1 leg

American Hammers-count 1 side

Mountain Climbers- count 1 leg

Plank Jacks

Leg Lifts

Plank 25 Mississippi Count

2 lap run inside Echo Chamber Rinse and Repeat

Prior to the start of the 2nd AMRAP YHC announced that on 6-7-1958 one of the greatest musical talents of all time was born…..Goob stated/asked, pretending like he didn’t know,  was it Prince?  Indeed it was Prince.  The PAX was then treated to Prince Essentials Playlist for the next 19 minutes.   Some of the PAX thought based on the rhythm and beat of the music that Pickle Pounders were more appropriate than Plank Jacks….modify as necessary brothers.

At 0600 YHC called an end to “Leg Day” and told the PAX that their legs would thank him later.


  • WV Trail Ragnar Aug 12-14.  Details on Slack
  • WildPax Dec 1-3.  Stagecoach looking for some volunteers to assist in planning process


  • Stagecoach’s Friend Jay.  This is his last week of Chemo for throat cancer
  • Drake’s Friend Chuck.  His battle with Liver cancer and may he find Christ
  • Prayers for Pincher as he deals with the sudden unexpected loss of a friend.  
  • Prayers for Officer Manny Familia.  Worcester, MA police officer who lost his life trying to save a drowning teenager.  Unfortunately, the teenager also drowned.  

Make it a great day and week.

Thank you to the PAX that came out this morning…..I enjoyed our time together.








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