AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 02/25/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Goob, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: CrabCakes

The BackBlast:

Clear Sky 57 degrees 100% Humidity wind 4mph from the north. Clear Moonlit sky until the last 15 minutes…..


At 0514 it was evident that today at the Fort would be a runners only AO.  Many wondered where all the Ruckers were at?  Was the bridge too much for them? Was the pre-determined well marked .8 mile loop too far for them? Was it that they didn’t want to smell the reclaimed water on their route?  Whatever the reason or reasons….we missed you at the Fort today.

The run began exactly at 0515 with a quick review of the route and an agreement to return to the parking lot at 0605 for COT.

After a 1 mile group warmup the PAX broke off into separate groups and were able to run between 5.4 and 6.38 miles in the gloom.

Some of the PAX worked on speed work by running .5 on with a .25 mile recovery others worked on maintaining a consistent pace and Brutus worked on learning the loop and familiarizing himself with Fort Hamer Thursday’s……he was overheard saying maybe I’ll comeback next week.



GrowRuck Practice.  This Saturday Yellow Life Guard chair Siesta Key 0700 for 5 mile event  approximately 3 hours

Feeding Frontline Healthcare workers at SMH Friday 3/5 at 5:15pm

Raiders Run 5k March 27th at Bayside

Gator Wilderness 5k 4/24

Grow Ruck 5/14-516



Pinchers family as they move forward following the passing of his father

Bing’s brother Medevac for a safe and easy recovery from hernia surgery

Jackrabbit and his recovery and ability to keep spirits high

Nemo and his continued health

M’s and their ability to handle stress, stay mentally strong, and their well-being

2.0’s on the right path find the strength and guidance to continue on the right path

Becca(Ariel) and her Raider Teammates for safe travels and strong competitive spirit at Raider Nationals in Molena, GA


Enjoyed the run and the coffeeteria afterwards


CrabCakes out!!


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