AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 12/24/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bing, Crabcakes, Defib, Goob, Jimmy Dean, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Bob Ross

QIC: Lobstah

The BackBlast:

Weather: Perfect 58 degrees

As the cars rolled into the parking lot, Jimmy Dean got excited to see his FNG post, as we all did!!  Nothing beats an FNG in the gloom!

Jimmy Dean and his FNG headed for some bridge repeats while the remainder of the crew went for the north look 10k.  Pincher donned his ear buds and exclaimed 3:44 y’all, I’m running 9:30 pace and don’t care what you all think.  It wasn’t long before Pincher the Pacer took off for his “9:30” pace clipping in closer to 8:30 pace.  Maybe he isn’t so good at telling time.

The rest of the crew caught up with Pincher the Player, I mean Pacer around mile 4 yet he hung on and ended with an 8:24 pace 10k and enjoyed listening to the soft tones of Mariah Carey all through-out.

The 10k pax were greeted by Jimmy Dean and the FNG which was soon to be named Bob Ross for his color pencil drawing abilities.  Welcome Bob Ross!!


  • Bridge a Life 10k/5k in February
  • HDHH on next Wednesday at Rusty Bucket


  • Pincher’s Grandpa and his need to hydrate more
  • Goob’s Father-in-law battling dementia
  • Crabcake’s Mother-in-law battling back pain and awaiting surgery
  • Praises for a great year for Defib and his family
  • Prayers for Jimmy Dean’s friend at Publix and how he responded to her
  • Praises for Bob Ross’s brother Lonnie as he closes on his new home and will no longer be homeless and and prayers for his daughter.
  • Prayers for YHC’s sister-in-law.

It’s always an honor to lead this great group of men…and prayers for Lobstah as he continues to recover from his hamstring pull and battle the urge to fartsack.

Welcome Bob Ross!!

~Bing Out

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