AO: Hamer Time - ThursdayMeat Grinder - Monday

When: 11/25/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bing, Crabcakes, Goob, Jackrabbit, Manziel, Posh, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

On this fine Thanksgiving gloom, 7 Pax circled up in the parking lot and listened to Carrotcakes…… errr, Crabcakes discuss his hours of elation from the night before as he played plumber in attempt to remove 2 lbs of carrot peels from the disposal. At 5:15, we decided that the original intent of a sub 8, 10K turkey trot was not happening today. So, we just started running the best way we knew how.

On the first part of the loop, the chatter was high and the laughs were many. At Bing corner, he, Spinal Tap, and Crabcakes raced ahead. Goob and Jackrabbit held down the middle ground with Posh and Manziel right on their heels. In summation, we ran a 10k at varying speeds.

1) Wild Pax is next weekend, sign up now or be forever harrassed by Ripken.
2) 2021 race shirts last day for order is today (in the off event you are reading this)

1) Bing’s 2.0, Emilia, has an impending knee surgery in the coming weeks
1b) Bing’s M has done countless hours of research finding the best surgeon for Emilia
2) Goob’s buddy Ben is still fighting stage 4 cancer and recently came out of a mental valley
3) Spinal Tap’s grandmother defeated lung cancer. Prayers it stays away.
4) Crabcakes’s mother-in-law has a surgery in early December
5) Manziel’s friend Sue is doing better but they can’t visit per normal today (Thanksgiving day) due to Covid and other circumstances
5b) Prayers that families come together safely in time for Christmas. All traveling Pax, etc.
6) Posh’s family as they lay his grandfather to rest.
7) Jackrabbit’s godfather is the aforementioned Ben. Thereby, his godbrothers (for lack of better term) Micah and Lucas are his prayers as they deal with watching their dad fight cancer everyday.

Despite being voluntold today, it’s always a pleasure boys. Sub 8 next week.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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