AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 04/19/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bubbles, Dasani, Lancelot, Papa Smurf, Rapino, Sea Lion, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- crazy humid

Goob returned from a little pre-beating run which was mostly used to set up the impending Thang.  But first, we huddled at exactly 5:15, stated the 5 core principles, and the plan was laid out.  The PAX mozied from the Dillard’s parking lot to the picnic tables at the playground on the north side of the tower.  At the picnic tables, the PAX did a brief warmup of 10 SSH IC, 10 Windmill’s IC, arm circle forward and backward OYO, and Michael Phelps OYO.

The Thang:

The PAX would start at the picnic tables and perform the 25 reps of the prescribed exercise.  From there, they would run under the bridge and perform 25 reps of a different prescribed exercise.

  • Picnic Tables:  Step Ups (each leg), Deadbugs, Squats, Incline Merkins, LBC’s, Decline Merkins
  • Under the Bridge:  Crossover Merkins, Shoulder Taps (each side), Dry Docks, Railing Rows, Calf Raises, Mountain Climbers (each leg)

At 5:54am, the PAX mozied back to the Dillards parking lot, circled up, and performed one last set of SSH IC.


  • Spartan’s 74th birthday
  • Lancelot’s 3rd maniversary
  • Snapshot’s 36th wedding anniversary


  • Lancelot has now been informed he has an advanced glaucoma which is progressing quickly.  This on top of his recent hearing loss progressing as well had our brother in need of prayer.

Sea Lion had an amazing idea and calling to lay hands on Lancelot right there and pray over him.


Always an honor brothers,

Goob out

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